




Everybody is eager to be a successful person in his life.

But not all people can always succeed. People who are lazy and want to succeed only by daydreaming can hardly succeed. A successful person must possess some good characters, such as diligence, strong will, perseverance, etc.

He must keep on learning and make himself a capable person. Sometimes he should be more flexible to change with the situations.

All in all, serf-confidence is thefirst step on the road to success. And hard work is the key element of success.





There are so many successful figures in our daily life.
Actually ,it's not only people who make great inventions or achievements are successful, also the person who can realize his own value. There is no doubt that Edison is billiant and successful. It's obviously that Mrs. Marie Curie is great. However,don't you think the a city sanitation workers or firemen are great and successful?
You may keep those famous scientists or inventors deeply in mind, but i'd love to honor those who are always work ingloriously. I think they are the real person who are sucessful. We teenagers should set them as our example, just for their selfless spirit!
