




《英文台词〕冰河世纪2:消融 Ice Age 2




Memorable Quotes from
Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006)
Manfred: So, still think she's the girl for me?
Sid: Sure. She's tons of fun, and you're no fun at all. She completes you.
Manfred: Uh, Diego, retract the claws please.
Diego: Oh... right... sorry.
[Lets go]
Sid: You know, if I didn't know you better Diego, I'd think you were afraid of the water.
[Diego grabs Sid's neck and strangles him]
Sid: OK, Good thing I know you better.
Sid: Maybe we could rapidly evolve into water creatures.
Diego: That's genius Sid.
Sid: Call me, Squid.
Sid: [after an elaborate dance sequence which ends in him getting tied up] This is either really good or really bad.
Sid: [tied up] This is either really good or really bad.
[Sid looks down to see tar pit underneath him]
Sid: No, no, no. Me fire-god. Why kill fire-god? A thousand years bad juju for killing fire-god.
Female Mini Sloth: Superheated rock from the earth's core is surging into the crust, melting ice built up over thousands of years, causing great floods.
Sid: You are a very advanced race. Together we can look for a solution.
Female Mini Sloth: [eagerly] We have one. Sacrifice the fire-god.
Sid: That's not very scientific.
Female Mini Sloth: [pause] Worth a shot.
Beaver Dad: [after seeing the ice in the dam crack] Dam.
Manfred: This valley was frozen a thousand years ago and a thousand years from now, it'll still be frozen.
Eddie: Who will roll on the ng heap with me?
Fast Tony: [talking to Stu's empty shell] Stu, we made it.
Fast Tony: Well, *I* made it.
Sid: You did it, you kicked waters butt.
Diego: No problem. "You know, most animals can swim when they're babies."
Sid: Yeah but not tigers. I left that part out.
Sid: If your species will continue, clap your hands.
[clap clap]
Sid: We're going to live.
[Water rises up to his ankles]
Sid: We're going to die.
Eddie: What if we're the last animals left alive? We'll have to repopulate the earth.
Crash: How are we supposed to do that? Everyone here is either a de or our sister.
Sid: He puts the 'stink' in extinction.
Sid: Well, tomorrow's the day the scary vulture said we're all gonna die.
[Falls asleep]
Sid: Manny, who do you like better, me or Diego?
Manfred: Diego. Not even close...
Ellie: Manny, you can't pick favorites with your kids.
Manfred: He's not my kid. He's not even my dog. If my dog had a kid, and that kid had a pet, that would be Sid.
Sid: Manny, can I have a dog?
Manfred: No.
Sid: Ellie, can I have a dog?
Ellie: Sure, sweetie.
Manfred: Ellie, we have to be consistent with them.
Dung Beetle Dad: Do we have to bring this crap along? I'm sure there's a bunch of other crap where we're going.
Female Mini Sloth: Hey. This was a gift from my mother.
Diego: If anyone asks, there were fifty of 'em... And, uh... They were rattlesnakes.
Sid: Miscreants? Diego, they are possums.
Traffic Vulture: Parents: Please do not leave your children unattended. All unattended children will be eaten.
Diego: That ice is lookin' pretty thin.
Sid: Sure it's thin. But it's strong enough to hold a 10 ton mammoth and a nine ton possum.
Manfred: Hey, kids. Who said you could torture the sloth?
Diego: Manny, don't squash their creativity.
Sid: Manny, Diego, my bad mammals-jammmals. Care to give a sloth a hand?
Manfred: Don't listen to him. Fast Tony would sell his own mother for a grape.
Fast Tony: Are you making an offer?
Manfred: I don't think her tree goes all the way to the top branch.
Sid: Hey. Can you guys slow down? I'm dying here...
[Vultures flying above]
Sid: It's just a figure of speech.
[Runs away]
Ellie: [to Manny] You ain't repopulatin' the species TONIGHT, or any OTHER night.
Sid: I'm just trying to help you get over your fear of the water.
Diego: Fear is for prey.
Sid: Then that means the water has made you its prey.
Diego: [to the water] I am NOT your prey. I am NOT your prey. I am NOT... YOUR... PREY.
[jumps in]
Ellie: What about me is attractive?
Manfred: Your... butt?
Ellie: What about it?
Manfred: It's... big?
Ellie: [flattered] You're just saying that.
Manfred: No, I mean it. It's huge. Biggest darned butt I've ever seen.
Ellie: That is really sweet.
Sid: Campo de Sid. It means Camp of Sid.
Diego: Great. Now you're an idiot in TWO languages.
Crash: [singing] I believe I can fly.
[hits tree]
Sid: When the going gets tough, the great, party.
Sid: I Just did something involuntary... and messy.
Cholly: [after breaking wind squarely in Sid's face] My stomach hates me.
Lone Gunslinger Vulture: [singing] Food, glorious food / We're... anxious to try it.
Manfred: Mammoths can't go extinct; we're the biggest animals around.
Diatryma Mom: Uh, what about the dinosaurs?
Manfred: The dinosaurs got cocky. They made enemies.
Hedgehog children: [trying to coax old hedgehog out of burrow] Come on, grandpa. Hurry.
Molehog Grandpa: No. I ain't leavin'. I was born in this hole; I'll die in this hole.
Manfred: We're going to be like one big, happy family. I'm the daddy, Ellie's the mommy, and Diego's the uncle who eats kids that get on my nerves.
Fast Tony: [trying to sell things to the other animals] Wait. I've got this bark. It's so buoyant, it actually floats.
Mr. Start: [lewd] I'll show *you* something that floats.
