Fannie and Moon
from wikipedia:
fanny: a socially acceptable term in print, in Canada and the United States at least, for many years before some of the bolder terms came along; and a subject of jokes, since "Fannie" can be a woman's name, diminutive of "Frances "; however, in British English fanny refers to the female genitals or vulva and is considered vulgar The figure of a bare-bottomed lass named Fanny is ubiquitous in Provence (the southeast of France) wherever pétanque is played:. traditionally when a player loses 13 to 0 it is said that "il est fanny" (he's fanny), and he has to kiss the bottom of a girl called Fanny; as there is rarely an obliging Fanny, there is always a substitute picture, woodcarving or pottery so that Fanny's bottom is always available.
moon was a common shape-metaphor for the butt in English since 1756, and the verb to moon meant 'to expose to (moon) light' since 1601, long before they were combined in US student slang in the verb (al expression) mooning "to flash the buttocks" in 1968.
hip, bottom