How to Save Foodstuff
According to the survey on population census,China has a population more than 1.3 billion.In order to support such a large country of population,farmers have to pay hard work day after day.Even so,China has to import a lot of grain every year.So how to save foodstuff has become a pressing problem that needs settling down without delay.
First ,we should decide how much foodstuff we can take before making a meal,avoiding leaving any foodstuff and wasting it after the meal.Second,we should increase the awareness of economy and decrease the unnecessary waste.Third, we should mobilize people around us to save foodstuff.When seeing someone waste foodstuff,we should persuade he/she to save it for the next meal,and not to make the same mistake for a second time.As you know,foodstuff saved by a person is not worth mentioning/of trifling importance ,yet foodstuff saved by lots of people can make a huge quantity.
If all of us can do as I have said above,we can make our goal of saving foodstuff.