Video search engine optimization is the most exciting in this area one of the challenges, because Google has recently started to give the regular search results, video highlights higher degree. Want to do is very simple, often only need to be flexible about your extension just learned about Microsoft 0frice optimization principles and PDF files just fine.
First, the need to properly prepare your video files. In Windows Explorer, locate the video file, and determine that the file is not read-only, then right-click the video icon to enter the property. Through the use of connectors, will rename the file to look like keyword rich (for example, female [Ibusiness-Calds-from-chambers.avi). Next, right-click again into the summary tab, add a keyword rich to file the title (such as Business Cards fromChambers Print) and add some keywords.
Google Video support on the set. Avi, mpg, Quicktime and Windows Media files (almost support a variety of extension). Frame rate should be greater than 12 frames per second, while the ratio should be greater than 260kbps. Google Video will be cut to 4:3 by Macromedia Flash to 320 × 240 resolution display. Therefore, if you scratch that video, the best to use a 4:3 aspect ratio to avoid the letterbox cut problem.
There are two ways to upload video to Google Video. If your video file smaller than 100MB, upload the video the most simplest and quickest way is to use the Google web-based uploader. If the video is larger than 100MB, or more than you want to upload a video of it, Google Videouploader client software is your best choice. In addition, as a rough proposal, the video control in 4.5 minutes what would make the process more comfortable.
If you have Web-based interface to upload, you can set the title, description, type and file of language. For the title field, the only file you need to use the title of the Properties dialog box like the (also a little longer).
The description of the case, and we have: meta-description tag section of the same principle. Select a suitable type (such as business), set the public can see, then click on the video can be uploaded. Once your video uploaded to Google (or YourTube), you can get the video into web page code, this means that Google will help you host and service video files (save your computing resources and bandwidth costs).