Rose is a legend in itself. 在罗马帝国时代,有一个名叫罗丹斯的美丽绝伦的少女。 In the Roman Empire, there was a名叫罗丹斯absolutely beautiful girls. 她的丽姿引来了无数狂热的求婚者锲而不舍地追求她。 Li Zi led to her numerous suitors fanatical pursuit of her perseverance. 罗丹斯实在招架不住了,不得不到朋友狄安娜的神庙里躲避她的求婚者。 Luo Dansi is losing some of its advantages, to have friends in the Temple of Diana, to avoid her suitor. 不幸的是,狄安娜产生了嫉妒之心。 Unfortunately, Diana had a heart of jealousy. 当求婚者冲进了神庙的大门,要接近他们所爱恋着的罗丹斯时,狄安娜一怒之下将罗丹斯变成了一枝玫瑰花,将她的求婚者变成了花刺。 When a suitor into the temple door, they should be close to the Ailian Zhao Luodan Si, Diana angry Luodan Si will be turned into a Rose, her suitor has become a thorn flower .
在希腊传说中,玫瑰是希腊花神克罗斯创造的。 In the Greek legend, Rose spent the Greek god of creation Cross. 当初玫瑰只是林中一个仙女的尚无生命的一粒种子。 Rose had only a forest of the fairy not a seed of life. 一天,花神克罗斯偶然在森林的一块空地上发现了它。 One day, God took the cross by chance in the forest found on a piece of land it. 克罗斯请求爱神阿佛洛狄特赋予了它美丽的容貌;让酒神狄俄尼索斯浇洒了神酒,使它拥有了芬芳的气味。 Venus cross the request of Aphrodite to give it a beautiful face; let Jiaosa Dionysus Dionysus the god of wine, it has fragrant scent. 又有美惠三女神将魅力、聪颖和欢乐赐予了它。 Mei-Hui and three Goddess will be the charm, fun and clever gift it. 随后,西风之神吹散了云朵,太阳神阿波罗得以照耀它并使它开花。 Subsequently, the god of the west wind disperse the clouds, the sun god Apollo shine to it and make it bloom. 玫瑰就这样诞生了,并立即被封为花中之皇后。 Rose was born this way, and immediately has been called the Queen of Flowers.
欧洲见到的第一枝真正的原色红玫瑰叫做“斯莱特中国深红”,于1792年从中国引进。 Europe to see the first branch of the real primary colors of red roses called "China Slater dark red", in 1792 from the introction of China. 当时,它一直生长在中国山区的野地里。 At that time, it has been growing in the wild in China's mountainous areas. 玫瑰培育者马上开始用它进行杂交种植。 Rose breeders start to use it for planting hybrid. 从此,寻求完美的红玫瑰一直是玫瑰栽培者所追求的理想。 Since then, the search for the perfect red rose is a rose has been cultivated by those who aspire to. 这种玫瑰应具有芳香的气味、抵御疾病的能力、持久的花期、修长的花茎、反复开花的本领、优美的体态以及不褪色的纯鲜红颜色。 This Rose should have the aromatic smell, the ability to resist disease, long-lasting flowers, the slender stem and flower again the ability of the body beautiful, as well as non-fading colors of pure red. 然而,绝对的完美却始终未达到,当然也永远无法达到! However, the absolute perfection has never been achieved and, of course, can never be achieved!
人们发明了一种特殊的玫瑰语言,作为不被允许公开示爱的情侣间秘密交流的方式。 People have invented a special language of roses, as allowed in public displays of affection between a couple of secret exchanges. 18世纪中期,英国驻君士坦丁堡大使的夫人在信中对此做了描述。 The mid-18th century, the British ambassador to Constantinople in his letter that his wife has described. 这些信件在她死后出版,激发了许许多多关于花草语言书籍的问世,每一本书都对每种花所隐藏的信息进行了描述。 In these letters, she published after his death, stimulated many books on the language of flowers come out, each book is spent by each of the hidden message described. 一朵红玫瑰花蕾代表萌发中的情欲;一枝盛开的白玫瑰则是在探问:“你会爱我吗?”一枝绽开的红玫瑰的含义是:“我对你满怀着爱意和渴望”,而一枝开放的黄玫瑰则是在询问:“你是不是不再爱我了?” A Red Rose Bud on behalf of the germination of passion; a white rose in full bloom is in the inquiries: "I love you?" Zhankai a red rose meaning is: "I love you, and with a desire" And an open yellow roses are in and asked: "Are you not love me?"
This (1) piece of thing happens by the mountain , the underground blood , this moment dripping with the full a lot of wild beast noon , shadow reasonable and legitimate shorten, the sun and the east , the west distance by chance equal. Young Aketaiweng and hunting friends goes ahead in course of in the wilderness , he says kind and gentle to them: Today our luck is good both "friends , our net and long-barrelled gun have dript blood of the wild beast. When waiting until the auroral once more Deng Shang red goddess handlebar asks return in the day, we continue the thing that our consideration assumes again. Sun-God already goes to meridian passage now , its steam roasts already the floor cracking. Stop the thing that you assume now , these is covered as with a net going back in the back". People has done , has stopped physical labour according to his telling. This place dale having a long full needle pine and incense cedar , be called a gal ear gal of Philippines , the place being that Dian who is surrounding a girdle travels interest often. In the dale is deep and quiet place, have a cave concealing, this not the manpower digs , but nature is ingenious succeed in making up the foot is on a par with not bad and artificial. Nature has chiseled one arched door on light sandstone , one side has had a Qing Quan , thread sound of flowing water ? ?, has flowed into the pond a sheet of, be green grass bank pond all around. Goddess hunting in forest middle reaches Dian loafs about when tired , Shui Li bathes in her body of not marrying exist forever pool transparently clear and limpid. This day , she have arrived in a cave , the end giving the shotgun , dorlach and the bow having loosened spring to her has supervised the weapon maid , the another place daughter immortal has picked up up clothes dress that she disboard , have still had two people unbinding the sandal for her on secondary foot. But the maid who combs the hair is especially more dexterous than others , hold to draping hair shoulder going ahead in Dian together in fully grown a hair worn in a bun or coil son, self hair is straying but for the time being. The others person, dyes Feile , Xuale black such as , thorn Nice , Pusaikasi and Feiale fetch an urn right away drawing water, upside down on Dian. When the pool side bathes in Dian in course of looking like ordinary days, Cadmean outside Sunaketaiweng happens to have been over drive-hunting, this is strange place , not knowing which the edge steps forward just now well to , the cave having entered Dian leaked unconsciously right away accidentally one day has arrived at this grove lining, this is also decreed by fate. He just walks into spring water spilling cave , naked daughter immortals is seen have a man , just pound a chest yelling screaming that they send out abruptly noise all over grove. They as quickly as possible surround Dian completely , use self body to cover Dian's body. Goddess Dian has gone beyond but a head are tall than numerous goddesses , Aketaiweng has seen the beautiful carcass of Dian , has been in ecstasies spontaneously. Dian's face starts making red immediately , tilted like the sun brightness is same as according to the red rosy clouds giving birth to on cloud, can't resemble the at any time oriental rose color auroral. Have to tighten very much despite of daughter immortals surrounds her, she still is inclining the body , cast self's eye on backward. She how one wishes one could bow and arrow is just now good in hand , this moment only has but water in one's hands , she splashes just water to the youth in the face going to , she leaks anger at the same time , water is splashed to go to, one side lays a curse upon his not to good result , she says: "You need to hope that you see that I am not having clothes on go and publicizing speaking now , you do not hesitate to speak going to as long as you can ". She has said this one only, but has come into horn of long-lived Pere David deer right away on the head by that she had spilt water, his neck has been elongated, his ear has been changed into point , hand has become a hoof , both arms has become leg , has draped a batch on one's body spotted skin. At last , she have given him a small gallbladder. The Aotuonuoe's hero son pulls out a foot running right away , he knows that why self may run such that such is quick neither. Within a stretch of Shimizu pond, he has seen self face and horn , he can not speak but coming. He sighs in a low voice , is sound can make by him only when having sighed, unconsciously again long face of tear has got more upper-class, only when mental ability is same as previously. What should we do? Return to a palace go to still hide up within the grove?When being at a plunge in course of, he has seen self hunting dog. In course of, this group of dog tracks down prey , flees the mountain springs the ravine, climbs the precipice being difficult to climb , there be no Luketong less than human footmark. He has seen , has run for self's life immediately; He runs for self's life now the road, exactly is the road ran after a wild beast in that very day. He is bent on shouting: "I be Aketaiweng! Have not you known self host? But, he can not speak coming. Barking of the hunting dog echoes to the clouds. "The black hair dog " has come up first biting into his back flatly , another a bar has been called "conquering a wild beast " , has also has come up. "Japanese ivy " have bitten into his shoulder. Be this several cursed than those set out a little late just minutes ago, but they those run quickly in having found the shortcut , inverse ratio on the mountain. After they being entangled the host, the others dog also when, every point tooth bites to the host in the body , does not have until he does not have one place on one's body afterwards, a scar. He is calling , his sound is that are what the deer can make neither although unlike voice. This painful voice resounds at room known very well by him. He knuckles down kneeling down , seems to look as if bad luck in shouting, in praying, he face is being rotated over , is looking at them silently, use the arm that sight has replace to cry for help. His hunting friends wonders if he whom to is , cries out as usual , drives a dog stepping up , looks back all sides at the same time , seeks Aketaiweng but , believes he is in the very distant place. He hears self first name rotating with regard to the headman over , hunts friends but complains that he is absent from the scene , complains that he is lazy , can not inspect prey by the scene capturing but. He but hopes self indeed very much in distance , he is present but in fact but. He hopes Gothish thing assumed by the hunting dog seeing self, not wish firsthand experience. They surround him from all directions , a mouth is drilled li blindly to his flesh, the host one is spent doing Pere David deer barks badly mutilated. After it is said that he has accepted uncounted wounds but have died, body ornament bow and arrow Dian has been just now satisfied.
2) in famous Trojan War, before Greek's battleship will start off, leader graceful gal of door Nong for easing up, the hero goes out with the masses hunting, idle away days. This sky , he see a beautiful sika deer , one arrow sets up the go to , midmost vital part right away. Graceful gal of door Nong can't help having self's head turned with success , goes so far as to boast to say: "Even if Aer error fills this (Dian) merely thus. This may make proud hunting goddess Aer error more then extremely angry down , her determination revenges. The Heaven's Queen army almost needs to have started off , may not have a thread of wind in the harbour. Have passed through a several day , have been still the same. Greek who has gone bad urgently invites prophet to ask about god , a prophet Kaerkasi tells them , this is because of graceful gal of door Nong has been enraged with the magical reason. He must atone for the crime , prance to dye this black pulling the what be born in daughter in it and wife being overcome to dedicate to hunting goddess Aer error as best quality fill this therefore. Prophet's words immediately in addition graceful gal of door Nong has been caught in angor among. Does he love self daughter wouldn't it? And this daughter is so clever beautiful. He is announced just in an open manner resign from the position ty of allied forces command. But, is the allied forces command therefore likely to decline away in fact like this causually getting it over? Greece officers and men anger their feel graceful gal of door Nong is very selfish , declare the essential points rebel in an open manner. The circumstance facing such , graceful gal of door Nong have had no choice but , had to promise, magical order is not to admit disobeying. He has written a letter , wife and the daughter has been deceived into coming over, that he knows a wife is to love this beautiful clever daughter how , think of with this matter have hidden the truth from wife. Be that wife has discovered this matter unfortunately, she finds a husband angerily, criticise his this beastly conct , especially incest and sodomy. Their daughter Yifei dismisses alunite Asia also going down on one's knees in the life asking father not to ask like this ending her youth for a long time on the ground , what does war have to do with her? Why do need to be paid the life price by her? Graceful gal of door Nong has already made a decision but , without the least hesitation, has declined their imploring , has walked to go out. Yifei dismisses alunite Asia having made choice out finally calmly , she is ready to dedicate self life for Greece finally. Because of she has already found out,if she does not dedicate self life,hunting goddess Aer error fills this only being capable to do all relatives who use her losing life. She is unhurried make for altar, in a mournful sound, hold a memorial ceremony for the keen soldier's sword of department one wield, blood splashes all around. In a mournful sound afterwards, people finds that unexpectedly amazedly, topple down to the ground be not graceful gal of door Nong daughter, but be to be always white one female deer, aal error has filled this having finally felt benevolence on this moment , Yifei has dismissed alunite Asia for aal error fills what this has compassion for , belt to alien land , has become her hold a memorial ceremony for a department , return to the native place after many years together with her younger brother.
狄安娜是希腊神话中的猎神。猎人阿克托安偷看狄安娜和她的仙女们沐浴,狄安娜使阿克托安变成一头小鹿,结果被他自己的猎犬咬死 .
Diana, Diana Diana is that of Joan of Greek mythology, gods and hunting. Hunter peep Aketuoan Diana and her fairies are bathed, so that Diana Aketuoan into a deer, was killed by his own dog.
This happened in the hillside above the ground floor of the shed blood of many animals, this time e 1200, to shorten the sight, sun and the East and West, was equal to the distance. Actara young and the Aung friends were hunting in the wilderness ahead, he and good to say to them:"
: "My friends, our network and are falange beast dripping blood, and today our good luck. Goddess of dawn until once again boarded the red handlebar day, please come back, we continue our intention to make. Day God has come to transit, it has been heat-baked ground. You have to stop now to make things right, these networks to go back to back. "People as he made the orders to stop the work.
This is a place covered with pine needles and Calocedrus valley, ear Mingjiao Jia Jia Fei, is the belt around Diana also often travel rates. In the deep valley, there is a hidden cave, it is not artificial cut, but cleverly made of natural, artificial and enough to match.
Natural light in the sand on a cutting arches, the side door there is a clear spring, slowly flowing stream, flowing into a pond, grass all around the pond shore. Hunting in the forest goddess Diana's tired of the tour, Chang Che-cheng in the bath water, do not marry her body. On this day, she came to the cave, hunting, and Song Jian Dai a string to the bow of the exclusive competence of her maid's arms, another Nvxian picked up the clothes off her, and her two Feet from the sandals off. Maid's hair more than others, manual dexterity, to put on the shoulders of Diana's hair into a bun son together, and their hair for the time being but the Pisan.
The rest, such as Nie Feile, Al Hsu, gill Nice, Pusaikasi Fei Ale and get on the water urn, who fell to Diana
Diana was bathing beside the pool as usual, the grandson of Cadmus Actara Weng is the end of the day Weilie, inadvertently to the woods, this is a strange place, I do not know where to move side to Good feel for Diana walked into the cave, which is doomed
He just splash of spring water into the cave, Nvxian to see naked men there, they beat their chests shouting, they sent all of a sudden scream over the sound of the woods. They quickly surrounded by Diana, with her body covered with Diana's body.
But the goddess Diana higher than a female gods, or other people can not see her put on clothes, her face would be red, just like the sun as clinopyroxene in the clouds on the birth Hongxia, like the dawn East rosy.
Despite their Nvxian Wai her tightly, she Cezhao body, a look back at. She wanted to do bow and arrow in hand, but this time only in the hands of water, put her on the face of the young people to the water poured out, she Xiefen side, the water poured out, he can not curse a good result, she said: "You Now willing to promote that you can see I do not have to wear clothes, said that even though you go as long as you can. "
She only said that this sentence, but after she had let go of water on their heads grow the longevity of the elk horn, the elongation of his head and neck, his ears sharp change of hands has become a hoof, his arms into The legs, who put on a little bit of blood from the skin. Finally, she gave him a small gall. Aotuonuoe hero son Bajiao run, he does not understand why they would run so fast.
In a pond of water, he saw his face and horn, he would like to say: "Oh", but he could not speak to. He sighs in a low voice, the voice he can only sigh, and feel tears from the new long stream down his face, only the mentally the same as before. How should we do? Go back to the palace, or hide in the woods? To go back, it will Xiusi people; not go back, they are worried.
Is a dilemma, he saw his dog. This is a group of dogs search for prey, channeling Shan Jian jump, climb less deserted, it is difficult to scale, no way can pass the cliff. He saw immediately flee for their lives; the way he is running for their lives, is the way the day chasing wild animals. He wanted to shout: "I am Actara Weng! You do not know the master of its own?" He unable to speak. Xiangcheyunxiao woof of the dog. "Black dog" up a bite to his back and one called "lower animals" and the up.
"Parthenocissus" bite him on the shoulder. These dogs than just those who were deployed later, they found a shortcut in the mountains, the inverse of those who run fast. They are the masters of the entangled, the rest of the dogs also arrived, one by one the masters of the canine body to bite, until then, he has not found a no injuries. He Shen Huan, although his voice like the sound of people, but the deer can not be issued. It's painful to reclaim his voice familiar to the inter-mountain. He bent his knees, as if in innocence, like in prayer, his face in turn, quietly watching them, look for help instead of the arm.
But his hunting friends do not know who he was, as usual cry, drive up the dog, while recalling the Quartet to find Actara Weng, thinking that he was very far. He heard his name on the head in turn, but hunting friends but he did not complain at the scene, blaming lazy, he can not take a look at the picture of prey caught. He was really very much hope that their distance, and in fact he was at the scene.
He would like to see only their own dog's barbaric, and do not want to experience. They surrounded him from all directions, to inlge in his mouth Lizuan meat, the owner of the elk into a bloody bitten. It is said that he had numerous wounds and died after Diana's bow and arrow to Shenpei satisfied.