Since the October 1997 death of his legendary predecessor, Roberto Goizueta, Ivester has proved himself an aggressive leader who continues to push Coca-Cola further ahead of Pepsi through strategic acquisitions and new-proct development. 自1997年可口可乐的富于传奇色彩的前任首席执行官罗伯特顾祖塔去世后,依万斯特就证明了自己是一位敢作敢为的领导者并且通过营销战略的成功和新产品开发而远远领先于百事可乐。 Most recently, Coke agreed to pay $1.85 billion for international rights to the Cadbury Schweppes line of soft drinks. Coke's new bottled-water brand, Dasani, is scheled to hit the marketplace in late spring. Even when Coke's earnings and stock price dropped precipitously last year in the wake of economic turmoil abroad, Ivester kept the company focused on shoring up its marketing and infrastructure for the long term. 最近,可口可乐公司同意支付卡德伯瑞斯克威堡软饮生产线18亿5千万美元作为国际授权。该公司生产可口可乐的新瓶装饮料达萨尼,该产品预计在春季晚些时候问世。尽管去年可口可乐公司的营业收入和股票价格因国外经济动荡的到来之际而大跌,依万斯特着重支持公司的市场推广和长期合作的客户关系。 BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY: "Everyone counts." 经营理念:“将每个人的积极性都调动起来。” Headache: "People who can't really see the long term." Wall Street began slamming Coke's stock in the fourth quarter when earnings nose-dived as a result of decreased sales and currency devaluations in places such as Russia and Brazil. 头疼的事:“人们没有长远发展眼光。”华尔街股市开始在第四个季度冲击可口可乐的股价,因为销售收入的减少和诸如俄罗斯和巴西等地区的货币贬值而造成的收入减少。 True story: A photograph from his trip to Egypt shows a group of tourists gazing at the Valley of the Kings--Ivester is staring into the garbage, counting Coke cans. 真人真事:在他去埃及旅行的一张照片上,可以看到,在一队旅游者正在凝望国王谷时,依万斯特却盯着垃圾堆看,数着可乐罐。 Management Style: Patient. "When we go to a new country, we're there forever--that's our time frame." 经营风格:稳健。“当我们打入一个新的国家的市场,我们就永远扎根下去---那就是我们的期限。” Personal strength: Math whiz. 个人强项:速算 Weak spot: "A lot of people say that he doesn't have the elan of Roberto," according to one beverage analyst. 弱点:“许多人说他没有罗伯特的锐气”,一位饮料分析家如是说。 Other interests: Owns six cars, including a 1932 Cadillac Phaeton. Shoots quail. Golfs. 其他爱好:有六辆汽车,包括一辆1932年的卡迪拉克。有射击恐惧症。爱好高尔夫。 Resume highlights: As a kid, living in a Georgia mill town, he raised chickens for spending money. In 1981, named youngest vice president in Coca-Cola's history. 职业生涯精彩部分:从孩提时代起就住在乔治亚州的磨房小镇,他靠养鸡来攒零花钱。在1981年他被提名为副总裁,成为可口可乐公司有史以来最年轻的副总裁。 How he got the job: Conceived of and executed the ingenious "49 percent solution" that removed Coke's low-return bottlers--and their heaps of debt--from the company's books by spinning them off as a separate company. 怎样得到这份工作:构想并实施了具有独创性的“49%解决方案”,这个方案使得可口可乐的低回报灌注机生产线以及它的一大堆债务从可口可乐公司的帐本上一笔勾销,并使之成立为一个的公司。 SECOND LOVE: Music, ranging from gospel to rock and roll. Saw Elton John perform in Atlanta this winter. 业余爱好:从福音音乐到摇滚乐都喜欢。在今年冬季观看了艾尔顿约翰在亚特兰大的个人演唱会。 Corporate goals: "To be the best partner for customers, best resident for the communities where we serve, and best employer." 公司目标:“做客户最佳合作伙伴,做社区的最佳居民、做公司的最佳雇员。” PERSONAL GOAL: "Maintain my curiosity." (He's obsessed with continuing his ecation.) 个人目标:“保持我的好奇心。”(他一直为是否接受继续教育而困惑) Financial reward: $3.6 million in salary and bonus last year in addition to another $16.8 million in restricted stock (which cannot be sold until he turns 62 or retires). 个人收入: 年薪360万美元,并且在去年有额外的168万美元受权限*的股票(在资金回报率达到62%或在退休之前不能出售)