1. 倾听和关心:对朋友倾听并关心他们的感受、需求和困难。
2. 共享兴趣爱好:找到共同的兴趣爱好,一起参加活动,增进彼此的了解和交流。
3. 建立信任:保守秘密、履行承诺、诚实守信,以建立互信和稳固的友谊。
4. 给予支持和鼓励:在朋友需要帮助或激励时,提供支持和鼓励。
5. 正直和包容:保持真实和坦诚,同时尊重朋友的观点、个性和差异。
6. 共度时光:抽出时间与朋友一起做有意义的活动,分享快乐和困难。
7. 维持联系:保持经常的交流,不论是面对面、电话、短信还是社交媒体,让朋友感受到你的关心。
What makes me a good friend
Everyone need friendship and everyone ,makes friends in their lives,but not all of the friends are good friends.And what makes a good friend?Now let me tell you.
First,you should choose the right person who are similar to you.For instance,the things you both like,or the habby you both have and soon on.Second,you should often talk with your friends that can help you get close with your friend.Thirdly,you should say sorry to your friend when you injury your friends and do something that can make your friend happy.For example,you can buy a present or write a letter to your friend.If you do this follow me,you can make a good friend and you will feel happiness in your life.