Archimedes is the ancient Greek great mathematicians, Mechanics .Approximately 287 B.C. are born to Sicily narrates ancient pulls, 212B.C. died at with the place.
Archimedes long ago followed Euclid in then cultural center Alexanderthe student study, about his biography not detailed record, butactually widely spread about his many stories. He will haveestablished the law of lever, and called "for me a pivot, I will movethe Earth"; Had discovered hydrostatics basic principle - Archimedes'Principle, and uses for to distinguish the imperial crown the genuineand fake; Once had designed many wars machineries, resists enemy'sattack... ...
The posterity gives the very high appraisal to Archimedes, often himand Newton, Gauss and is called throughout history contributes thebiggest mathematician.追问八十字?。