






因此今日始知google赚的是文化科技财o鸿海赚是代工科技财o所以贵单位要有更气魄的怖局o怎麼做??其实研判google最拿手的与以技术却是___词不达意_____或是broken__english 推究其 文化穿透力 严重不足 故做世界语义翻译平台很想做又做不来o这是google大罩门o新机会冒出了o尤其有中国古文明解析能力者o这不是历史而是资产o


中文文化博大深遂尤其有科学素养O有文化训练过之中国人是否有任何贡献於网路科学应用内容O如楚楚动人语辞定义式___视觉基因设计法则於服饰店装潢或其他任何一词皆是一般高中生以上就能出人头地创新职能o故六书设计法则是基本社会生存学o详情 请看政大广电blogˋ如马唯中作品___记忆____其实以六书设计法则
内容而言O若简易的加上假借法则如放上石头或顽皮豹玩偶就是以记忆起作品的第贰段内涵如压力记忆或清松的日子记忆o所以文化尖端是一种教育财富课题o大广电 blogo双方若以教学相长o不耻下问就是有实力及有领导力者o


一)技术基因定型 难改正O
三)文化素养差 对 文化穿透力没认识O

语意定义式 反思
由 bioca77 在 五, 05/08/2009 - 13:18 发表
• 广电系第八届
修行人喜用闭关德反思反作用力 我则不同 我喜走路逛街 东张西望的 或看电视或 搭错车 或有人错爱 突就有灵感 一年前的问题找到答案了 道家就是到处游玩的专业人士 做学问要有反思及同在同一座标轴内思维 复杂的道理 就容易懂了 就像道德经若以无虚委无不为 如此概念您就会懂得道德经大半文章 如 你以模组系统看本人拟人化思为论述
就懂 科学化中文 其实易也 但E=MC平方 是何座标轴 则不知????
故基因网则以平均知识平均资源为座标轴 您就会有所设计了
做学问要有三道关卡一)参数符号定义式二 )反思训练三) 环境促成
每个人聪明才智皆差不多 但环境是财富 懂得吸纳者属智者o这是老天旨意 另 时间和空间是反思基石o此虽google大公司亦难有o
有无相生 难易相成 故太极发明人 张三丰 懂此 基因智慧 理论原无且忘哉故称静才得O 多读道德经 好处自然来O一天一句读木简句意内涵深思o三月一循环O三年有成O此是心法o众妙之门o

网友说 ::: 比尔盖兹 不得不 开始学中文哲理了

中国如何成为网路新老大(摆开文化技术落后) 赵婷__北京

为节约重点 分列如下::::

九份科学中文营邀请:计划 贡寮海洋音乐祭
拟人化思维 就是 hi _tech philosophy
他说::GOOGLE 只有五十分水准 比尔盖兹 则有九十分水准 如此将来会成为国际中文 文平台简称基因
一)技术基因定型 难改正O
三)文化素养差 对 文化穿透力没认识O



21th century is an economic globalization of the ages is also the ages that the positive business enterprise facing culture management stage moves forward.The corporate culture is new of the management theories be subjected to extensive concern of the business enterprise field, the business enterprise has already had no his/her own special advanced culture, directly relating to a business enterprise can keep on to develop and keep vigor and vitality.Promote the core competencies of business enterprise in 21th century, guarantee a business enterprise at the drastically international competition neutrally at the invincible position of is modern corporate culture.Strengthen corporate culture construction, have to the function and meaning of science ground confidence corporate culture construction, come out to constuct the mistake area of knowing the top to the corporate culture, the measure and path of study corporate culture construction.A race that don't have excellent culture can not be self-renewaled to the wood of world race;Equally, a business enterprise that doesn't have excellent corporate culture, can hardly also be self-renewaled to a market competition in.



The 21st century is the era of globalization of economy, but also to the culture management of age stages. Enterprise culture as the new management theory, the attention by business enterprise have their own special advanced culture, directly related to the sustainable development of vigor and vitality, and maintain. In the 21st century, the promotion enterprise's core competitiveness in the fierce international protection enterprise competition invincible is modern enterprise culture. To strengthen enterprise culture construction, and must scientifically grasp of the construction of enterprise culture function and significance of enterprise culture construction and the misconceptions, discusses the measures and the enterprise culture construction. A no, not the national excellent culture among the nations of the world self-improvement, Also, a good enterprise culture enterprise, also hard to self-renewal in market competition.


The 21st century is an era of economic globalization, but also companies are moving toward the stage of cultural management era. Corporate culture management as a new theory by a wide range of business concerns, whether or not their specific enterprises advanced culture, is directly related to the sustainability of the development of enterprises and maintain the vigor and vitality. 21 upgrade the core competitiveness of enterprises, the protection of enterprises in the fierce international competition in an invincible position in the modern corporate culture. Strengthen the building of enterprise culture, we need to scientifically grasp the role of corporate culture and significance of the building, out of the building of enterprise culture of the errors of understanding to explore the corporate culture-building measures and means. An excellent culture of the nation, the nations of the world can not be self-improvement; Similarly, a good business enterprise culture, it is difficult to self-competition in the market.
