Isolation of fungal endophytes
Samples were cleaned under running tap water and then air-dried. Before surface sterilization, the cleaned stems were cut into pieces 5-cm long. Leaves and limb
fragments were surface sterilized by immersion in 70% ethanol for 1 min, 5% sodium
hypochlorite solution for 5 min and sterile distilled water for 1 min two times. The surface-sterilized leaves and stems were cut into small pieces using a sterile blade and placed on sterile water agar plates for incubation at 30oC. The hyphal tip of endophytic fungus growing out from the plant tissue was cut by a sterile pasture pipette and transferred to a sterile potato dextrose agar (PDA) plate. After incuba- tion at 30 C for 7–14 days, culture purity was deter- mined from colony morphology. The pure endophytic fungal cultures were deposited at the BIOTEC Culture Collection, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand.Fermentation and extraction Endophytic fungal isolates were grown on PDA plates at 30 C for 7–14 days depending on growth rate. Six pieces (8 • 8 mm2) of the grown culture cut from the plate were inoculated into a 1000 ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 200 ml of malt Czapek (MCz) broth or yeast extract sucrose (YES) broth (Paterson & Bridge 1994). After incubation at 25 C for 21
days under stationary condition, the fungal culture was filtered to remove mycelium. The filtered broth was then extracted with 200 ml of dichloromethane three times. The organic phase was evaporated to dryness under reced pressure using a rotary evaporator and weighed to constitute the crude broth extract. The fungal mycelia were freeze- dried and then disrupted using a spatula and extracted twice by soaking in a mixture of dichloromethane methanol (1:1, v/v) for 1 h. The two mycelial extracts from each fungus were pooled and air-dried and weighed to constitute the crude mycelial extract. Crude extracts from the culture broth and mycelium were dissolved separately in dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO,Merck) to obtain concentrations of 80.0 mg ml)1 to 1.0 g ml)1 depending on solubility. Equal amounts of the crude extracts obtained from culture broth and mycelium were combined.Determination of anti-M. tuberculosis activity.
内生真菌的分离样品清理以自来水和风干。前表面的清洗消毒,茎切成5厘米长。叶和肢体片段进行表面消毒,浸泡在70%的乙醇为1分钟,5%钠次氯酸钠溶液为5分钟和无菌蒸馏水为1分钟一次。表面消毒的叶和茎,切成小块,用无菌刀片放在无菌水琼脂板的孵化温度在30℃。内生真菌的菌丝尖端生长出来的植物组织被切割的无菌牧场吸管和转移到无菌马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂(掌上电脑)板。incuba后在30℃-7–14天,文化纯度为阻止从菌落形态。纯植物内生真菌培养存放在与文化的收集,巴吞他尼12120,泰国。发酵和提取的内生真菌菌株生长在掌上电脑板在30摄氏度7–14天取决于增长率。六件(8•8平方毫米)的生长培养削减从板分别接种到1000毫升瓶200毫升含有麦芽查氏(它是)肉汤或酵母提取物蔗糖(是)肉汤(百桥1994)。孵化后,在25摄氏度21天固定的条件下,真菌培养过滤删除菌丝体。过滤液提取200毫升的二氯甲烷三倍。有机相蒸发到干燥的压力下减少使用旋转式蒸发器和重构成粗液提取物。真菌菌丝冷冻干燥,然后中断使用抹刀和提取两次浸泡在二氯甲烷甲醇的混合物(1 : 1,体积比)为1小时的菌丝提取物每个真菌汇集和风干重构成粗菌丝提取物。从原油中提取发酵液和菌丝体溶解分别在二甲基亚砜(二甲基亚砜,默克公司)获得的浓度为80毫克毫升)1至1毫升)1取决于溶解度。等量的粗提取物的培养液和菌丝体结合。测定肺结核活动的反米。
Isolation of fungal endophytes
Samples were cleaned under running tap water and then air-dried. Before surface sterilization, the cleaned stems were cut into pieces 5-cm long. Leaves and limb
fragments were surface sterilized by immersion in 70% ethanol for 1 min, 5% sodium
hypochlorite solution for 5 min and sterile distilled water for 1 min two times. The surface-sterilized leaves and stems were cut into small pieces using a sterile blade and placed on sterile water agar plates for incubation at 30oC. The hyphal tip of endophytic fungus growing out from the plant tissue was cut by a sterile pasture pipette and transferred to a sterile potato dextrose agar (PDA) plate. After incuba- tion at 30 C for 7–14 days, culture purity was deter- mined from colony morphology. The pure endophytic fungal cultures were deposited at the BIOTEC Culture Collection, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand.Fermentation and extraction Endophytic fungal isolates were grown on PDA plates at 30 C for 7–14 days depending on growth rate. Six pieces (8 • 8 mm2) of the grown culture cut from the plate were inoculated into a 1000 ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 200 ml of malt Czapek (MCz) broth or yeast extract sucrose (YES) broth (Paterson & Bridge 1994). After incubation at 25 C for 21
days under stationary condition, the fungal culture was filtered to remove mycelium. The filtered broth was then extracted with 200 ml of dichloromethane three times. The organic phase was evaporated to dryness under reced pressure using a rotary evaporator and weighed to constitute the crude broth extract. The fungal mycelia were freeze- dried and then disrupted using a spatula and extracted twice by soaking in a mixture of dichloromethane methanol (1:1, v/v) for 1 h. The two mycelial extracts from each fungus were pooled and air-dried and weighed to constitute the crude mycelial extract. Crude extracts from the culture broth and mycelium were dissolved separately in dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO,Merck) to obtain concentrations of 80.0 mg ml)1 to 1.0 g ml)1 depending on solubility. Equal amounts of the crude extracts obtained from culture broth and mycelium were combined.Determination of anti-M. tuberculosis activity
次氯酸解决5分钟,无菌蒸馏水1分钟两次了。叶和茎的surface-sterilized被切成小块使用无菌刀片置于无菌水琼脂孵化30 oC板。植物内生真菌的菌丝尖长出了从植物组织所切割针和无菌牧场转移到一个无菌马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂(PDA)板。incuba起跳后——在30度的7 - 14天,文化纯度为阻止-菌落形态中开采出来的。纯植物内生真菌培养是存入此BIOTEC文化收藏、Pathumthani 12120年,泰国。植物内生真菌发酵、提取分离板应该种植在PDA在30度为7 - 14天根据增长率。六块(8•8平方毫米)的文化从盘子里种植了切成1000毫升接种锥型瓶含200毫升的麦芽Czapek(MCz)汤或酵母蔗糖(是的)汤(佩特森和桥1994)。培养后25 C为21
天在静止状态,真菌菌丝过滤去除文化。当时的过滤汤提取200毫升的12种二氯甲烷三次。有机相,下风干干燥减压使用旋转蒸发器和重构成原油萃取精华。汤,真菌菌丝体被冻结-干燥和然后被打乱使用一把铲子,并提取两次浸泡在12种二氯甲烷的混合物甲醇(1:1,v / v)1小时。这两个菌丝每个真菌提取物和空气混合原油,重构成菌丝萃取精华。粗提取物鸡汤和分解菌文化分别在dimethylsulphoxide(DMSO,默沙东)获得80.0毫克/毫升)的浓度1到1.0克1毫升)根据稳定性。等量的天然提取物得到菌鸡汤和文化都被联系在一起。anti-M测定。 肺结核活动
内生真菌的分离样品清理以自来水和风干。前表面的清洗消毒,茎切成5厘米长。叶和肢体片段进行表面消毒,浸泡在70%的乙醇为1分钟,5%钠次氯酸钠溶液为5分钟和无菌蒸馏水为1分钟一次。表面消毒的叶和茎,切成小块,用无菌刀片放在无菌水琼脂板的孵化温度在30℃。内生真菌的菌丝尖端生长出来的植物组织被切割的无菌牧场吸管和转移到无菌马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂(掌上电脑)板。incuba后在30℃-7–14天,文化纯度为阻止从菌落形态。纯植物内生真菌培养存放在与文化的收集,巴吞他尼12120,泰国。发酵和提取的内生真菌菌株生长在掌上电脑板在30摄氏度7–14天取决于增长率。六件(8•8平方毫米)的生长培养削减从板分别接种到1000毫升瓶200毫升含有麦芽查氏(它是)肉汤或酵母提取物蔗糖(是)肉汤(百桥1994)。孵化后,在25摄氏度21天固定的条件下,真菌培养过滤删除菌丝体。过滤液提取200毫升的二氯甲烷三倍。有机相蒸发到干燥的压力下减少使用旋转式蒸发器和重构成粗液提取物。真菌菌丝冷冻干燥,然后中断使用抹刀和提取两次浸泡在二氯甲烷甲醇的混合物(1 : 1,体积比)为1小时的菌丝提取物每个真菌汇集和风干重构成粗菌丝提取物。从原油中提取发酵液和菌丝体溶解分别在二甲基亚砜(二甲基亚砜,默克公司)获得的浓度为80毫克毫升)1至1毫升)1取决于溶解度。等量的粗提取物的培养液和菌丝体结合。测定肺结核活动的反米。