我也是看的那个教程来的,这是在开始就遇到挂载 无效参数,教程有点坑呀,我在平板和手机都试了,都是这个问题,希望有更多的人关注这个问题。
找到:mount -t ext3 /dev/block/loop255 把ext3换成ext4或者ext2 不同安卓版本支持的ext不同,依据手机和安卓版本而定。
I am getting an error: "chroot: can't execute '/root/init.sh': Permission denied" on my android 4.4.x device, what should I do?
This error is becoming common on Samsung devices running android version 4.4.2, and can be expected to happen with some other devices, or newer versions of android. Although I haven't yet found the exact cause of the error, an effective workaround hasbeen found:
The error seems to be coming from something in the busybox executable installed by the Complete Linux Installer app; many have reported that using other versions of busybox removed this problem, and the following version (free download on Google Play) has been confirmed to work: BusyBox
After using that app to install an updated busybox binary, simply copy the new binary over the existing busybox binary at /data/data/com.zpwebsites.linuxonandroid/files/busybox
Finally, in a rooted terminal window, type chmod 0755 /data/data/com.zpwebsites.linuxonandroid/files/busybox(see the more detailed instructions in the How do I install the most up-to-date version of bootscript.sh on my device?section of this FAQ)
Now you should be able to start linux using your Complete Linux Installer app on your device.
那你有没有看到你的cd /sdcard/ubuntu少了一条/吗