专利名称:Quantitative measurement method and
quantitative measurement chip for targetsubstance
发明人:Takaaki Shimasaki,Akinori Yokogawa申请号:US10560311申请日:20040409公开号:US07184894B2公开日:20070227
摘要:The present invention provides a quantitative measurement method andquantitative measurement chip which can perform quantitative measurement of a target
substance in a short period of time. The invention provides a quantitative measurementmethod in which a three dimensional mesh structure material is formed, and quantitativemeasurements are taken of the target substance using a structure which contains areagent that reacts with the target substance in the mesh. This method includes acontacting step in which a test specimen which includes the target substance is broughtinto contact with the structure; a detecting step which, in a process in which a substancewhose quantity will increase or decrease by means of the reaction between the targetsubstance and the reagent, detects the substance whose quantity is increasing ordecreasing within the structure at a contact interface between the test specimen and thereagent; and a quantitative measurement step which performs quantitative measurementof the target substance based on the results of the detecting step. The mesh structurewill allow at least the target substance to pass therethrough.
申请人:Takaaki Shimasaki,Akinori Yokogawa
地址:Kyoto JP,Kyoto JP
代理机构:Shinjyu Global IP