

2022-05-03 来源:帮我找美食网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、History is replete with evidence to demonstrate this point.(历史上充斥着大量的证据证明这一点。)

2、The processes and institutions that create laws are slow and methodical, replete with redundant checks and balances.(制定法律的过程与制度是缓慢而有条不紊的,具有充分的检验与权衡。)

3、That is the biggest task-not least because the euro's history is replete with failed attempts at doing so.(这时最大的任务——不仅仅是因为欧元的历史中充斥着这种努力的失败。)

4、The harbour was replete with boats.(港口里满是船只。)

5、The final report will be replete with arcane terms and precise Numbers, and will probably not get as much attention as this one.(最后的报告里都是些晦涩的术语及精确的数字,或许不会像这份报告一样惊座四方了。)

6、This website is replete with stories, videos, FAQs, speeches and more.(本网站有很多故事、视频、常见问题、演讲以及更多其他内容。)

7、dramatic change is unavoidable. the processes and institutions that create laws are slow and methodical, replete with redundant checks and balances.(虽然巨变是不可避免的,但是,制定法律的程序以及相关机构的行动,是缓慢的、按部就班的,充斥着过多的牵制。)

8、We cross Lake Figtree, its mixture of brackish and fresh water replete with floating lotus and purple saltwater lilies.(我们穿过无花果树湖,在这片微咸的新鲜海水中满满得漂浮着荷花和盐水紫百合。)

9、It looked full and replete.(它看上去应有尽有。)

10、The seemingly ancient India Pavilion is replete with marvelous modern technologies.(看似古老的印度展馆内应用了很多新奇的现代科技。)

11、Mr. Bernanke’s advance text, replete with 22 footnotes, called China’s undervalued currency an “effective subsidy” of exports.(他的预备演说稿中脚注多达22处,其中把中国的汇率低估称为“有效的出口补贴”。)

12、Eating your mom alive is pretty disrespectful but the animal world is replete with strange things.(生吃亲娘真是罪大恶极的事,可在动物世界,这种怪异事件可谓屡见不鲜。)

13、The book is also replete with codas.(该书充满了尾声。)

14、The Illustrated London News presented him replete with a tall, round Puritan hat, his flamboyance signalled by an ostrich feather.(伦敦画报展现了他的一顶高而圆的清教徒帽,一根鸵鸟翎毛凸显了其雍容华贵。)

15、So too has the Rare Animal Range, replete with deer and guanaco, a South American relative of the llama.(遭到同样命运的还有珍稀动物馆,那里生活着鹿以及美洲驼“亲戚”——来自南美的原驼。)

16、Mr King’s speech was replete with academic references but, bankers argue, he shows little knowledge of or interest in what the firms say.(金先生的演讲充满了学院派的气息,但是银行家们辨称他并不具备对于银行的任何知识或是兴趣。)

17、replete, guests can then retire to the modern conservatory for coffee.(吃饱喝足后,宾客们可以到现代化的暖房里享受一杯咖啡。)

18、replete with luxury suites and all the modern amenities needed to be a gold mine, the stadium should have increased Allen's fortune.(供应充足的豪华套间和各项现代设施需要化为一座金矿,这座球馆本应增加阿伦的财富。)

19、It was a big meal and we all felt replete.(这是丰盛的一餐,我们都吃得很饱。)

20、Society is replete with examples of the vividness effect.(社会里充满了激动效应的例子。)

21、Both Mr Netanyahu and Ms Livni held televised victory ceremonies on Tuesday night, replete with piped music and much hugging and handshakes.(内塔尼亚胡先生和利夫宁女士都在周二晚上举行了有电视直播的胜利庆祝,现场音乐不断,人们相互握手拥抱。)

22、It was luxurious, even opulent: satin bedspreads and silk drapes complemented white rococo furniture replete with intricate gilded flourishes.(这里非常豪华,甚至可以称得上奢侈:丝缎床罩,丝绸窗帘,还有带着复杂的金质装饰的白色洛可可风格家具。)

23、For most Greenlanders, the referendum was as replete with a sense of the righting of historic wrongs as Barack Obama's election in America.(对于大多数格陵兰人来说,正如奥巴马在美国的当选,全民公决是对历史性错误的修正。)

24、But financial history is replete with bubbles and crashes.(但金融的历史是充满泡沫和危机的。)

25、We can assume that this was a slow process replete with lots of hard focus.(我们可以想象到这是一个缓慢的过程并充满了大量的硬焦点。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


