造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
下面为您提供关于【flare up造句】内容,供您参考。
1、So they were supposed to flare up on the right, not on the left.(那么他们的右手本应该红肿起来,而不是左手。)
2、A cap on the cost-of-living adjustment, for example, would be a nightmare for pensioners were inflation to flare up, because they would have no way of making up the loss in their purchasing power.(比如,如果通胀爆发,那么对于生活成本上限的调整将成为靠养老金生活的人的恶魔,因为他们对于自身购买力的失去将无计可施。)
3、As spicules measuring in the tens of thousands of degrees kelvins rise from the chromosphere, the researchers noticed, patches of the corona above flare up at one million to two million degrees.(研究人员注意到,从色球层产生的日珥能达到上万度,日冕上的某些部分甚至能达到一百万至两百万度。)
4、He looked as if he was about to flare up.(他看起来像是要突然发怒的样子。)
5、The flare of the match lit up his face.(火柴的光照亮了他的脸。)
6、But, though new cases are now measured in dozens, rather than hundreds, a week, the disease has not been stamped out-and a new epidemic could flare up somewhere else at any time.(但是,虽然现在每周只有几十个,而不是几百个新病例出现,疾病还仍然没有被消除——并且一个新的流行病随时都有可能在某个地方突然爆发。)
7、Financial markets fear similar troubles could flare up in Portugal, Ireland, Italy, and Spain.(市场担心类似的危机也会在葡萄牙、爱尔兰、意大利和西班牙爆发。)
8、His arrival caused the dispute between the two countries to flare up again.(他的赴任再次挑起了两国之间的争端。)
9、Your skin will likely flare up.(那么皮肤可能会爆发。)
10、So many moisturizers bother my eyes and cause my rosacea to flare up. I have no problems with this one and it works fine.(很多保湿品困扰着我的眼睛,导致酒糟鼻爆发,用这个产品就没有问题,效果很好。)
11、These outbreaks will flare up after viruses "spill over" from animals into people with occupations such as hunting, farming or working in live-animal markets.(一旦病毒从动物身上“溢出”到从事相关职业的人身上譬如狩猎,农耕或活禽市场买卖,在相关人员被传染后,病毒开始发威。)
12、One big question is how many such crises will flare up, and how willing outsiders will be to deal with them.(有多少此类的危机会突然爆发,外界会否乐意帮助它们,这是一个大问题。)
13、But if history is any guide the controversy is sure to flare up again once cloud computing really takes off.(不过,如果我们借鉴一下历史的话,那么一旦云计算真正获得成功,争论必将再度爆发。)
14、flare up the cooper tube to connect a union.(把铜管做成喇叭口形状以便接上活络接头。)
15、don't spill too much fat on the barbecue as it could flare up.(不要在烤肉上浇太多的油,因为它可能会突然烧起来。)
16、Fears about what the Banks really look like could kindle a flare-up of the sovereign debt crisis into a regional headache into a Continent-wide contagion.(对于银行业真实状况的担忧可能导致一旦主权债务危机爆发,就会演变成地区性问题,并进而在整个欧洲大陆蔓延。)
17、But this is unlikely to calm public fury, which could flare up again when Goldman announces its bonus pool.(但这不可能平息公众的愤怒,当高盛公布其奖金池计划时这些愤怒可能再次点燃。)
18、France's love affair with state interventionism began in the 17th century, and tends to flare up when the country feels under threat.(法国人对国家干预主义的极大热情始于17世纪,并在国家面临威胁时更加高涨。)
19、I use this each time I have a flare up and by morning my skin is calm!(我用这种每一次我有一个爆发和今天上午我的皮肤是平静!)
20、But without good news on these fronts, it's still very possible that another market flare-up could bring fears of rolling European defaults back to the fore.(不过,如果在这些领域没有好消息的话,再来一场市场动荡,仍有可能会令人们对欧洲此起彼伏的违约的担忧死灰复燃。)
21、It was wishful thinking then, and remains so today, as long-running antitrust actions flare up again and regulators ponder new moves against the industry's giants.(这在当时是一种痴心妄想的想法,今天这种观点仍然存在,因为反托拉斯法又被提起而管理者再考虑针对这些行业巨头的新举措。)
22、You need not flare up merely because I mentioned your work.(你不必因为我提到你的工作就大发雷霆。)
23、There's been a flare-up of violence in South Africa.(南非的暴力冲突曾一度升级。)
24、Minor healthproblems may flare up if you haven't been taking care of yourself orhave been burning the candle at both ends.(要是不好好照顾自己,或是劳累过度,你可能会遭遇轻微的健康问题。)
25、Environmental degradation and changing weather patterns allow known diseases to flare up in unexpected places, at unexpected times, and with unprecedented Numbers of cases.(环境恶化和气候模式变化导致一些已知疾病在人们意想不到的地点和时间突然暴发,引发前所未有的大量病例。)
26、Another source of bright drifting objects, Iridium communication satellites, may even appear to flare up to become brighter than any other sky object for a few seconds.(铱星通讯卫星是另一个发光漂移物的可能来源,它可能突然闪耀几秒钟,甚至看起来变得比天空中的其它物体都要亮。)
27、Indeed, last month, we looked at evidence that the last flare up occurred only a few hundred years ago.(事实上,上个月,我们在看最近一次,也就是几百年前的耀斑发生的有关证据。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。