

2022-05-03 来源:帮我找美食网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Of knowledge and materials in these areas should be done before the respondent had better understand and master.(这些方面的知识和材料都要在答辩前做到有比较好的了解和掌握。)

2、respondent: I think foreigners in China are just ordinary people. We should treat them just as regular people as we are.(受访者:我觉得外国人在中国也就是普通的人群。我们就只能把他当作一个进入到中国的人而已。)

3、respondent: i value most the ability to learn.(受访者:我最看中的是他的学习能力。)

4、respondent: Most of the foreigners I meet are actually quite friendly.(受访者:其实我接触到大多的外国人还是挺友好的。)

5、In addition, the respondent disclosed professional confidences to one of the patients.(另外,被告还向其中一位病人透露了行业机密。)

6、One survey respondent said: "people appoint people like themselves."(一位受调查者称:“人们会任命类似他的人。”)

7、The respondent may accept the arbitration claim or object to it. It has a right to make a counterclaim.(被申请人可以承认或者反驳仲裁请求,有权提出反请求。)

8、One respondent to the survey believed that there is no true emotional bonding without touching and smelling a loved one.(一名调查对象认为,如果触摸不到爱人和闻不到爱人的气味,就没有真正的情感纽带。)

9、It is normal for young people. I think the whole society has a twisted concept over marriage and happiness, "a respondent named" Iambest "said."(有网友称年轻人中“裸婚”现象很平常,现在整个社会扭曲了婚姻和幸福的观念。)

10、respondent Shaun McMastersuggested burnout is an occupational hazard: "I simply don't see a lotof engineers in their 50s and 60s.(被访者ShaunMcMaster认为经常的精疲力竭的状态是工程师的职业病:“我确实很少看到50到60岁之间的工程师,而看到的更多的人是在寻找离开工程师的职业。)

11、One job-seeker attached a shoe to a resume as “a way to get my foot in the door,” a respondent told the survey.(一个求职者把一只鞋与简历绑在一起,他告诉调查人员,这也是“让自己迈入公司第一步的方式”。)

12、respondent: I have no idea.(受访者:我完全不知道。)

13、As one respondent put it: "it was my parent's computer, so if anyone was going to get in trouble, it wasn't going to be me."(就像有一个回应的人所言:“这是我父母的电脑,如果有人会有麻烦的话,那不是我。”)

14、The Petitioner and respondent have cohabited at (address).(呈请人和答辩人已在(地址)共同居住。)

15、The knee jerk is a typical respondent.(膝反射是一种典型反射。)

16、The failure of the respondent to submit a defence shall not affect the proceeding of the arbitration procedures.(被申请人未提交答辩书的,不影响仲裁程序的进行。)

17、In only half of the cases, though, had the respondent to a survey tried to do anything about the misconduct he said he had witnessed.(调查显示只有一半的案例有目击者声称看到了不当行为。)

18、In the survey the scale was not presented directly to the respondent.(在这一调查中并未将标度直接提给回答者。)

19、"The elevators", enthused a respondent to an online survey, "smell lemon fresh."(一名热心网友在网络问卷中这样说道“电梯闻起来有新鲜的柠檬味。”)

20、This year's respondent pool in North America included only 90 women, or 5.7 percent of the total.(今年北美1600个被访的工程师中,只有90个女性,占到5.7%。)

21、Only one respondent was optimistic.(只有一位受访者表示乐观。)

22、That's about a 15 percent speed difference, or nine seconds per respondent.(速度差将近是15%,每个应试者相差9秒。)

23、Once we had whittled down the required reviewer list, we could afford to give each respondent one-on-one attention.(一旦我们减少了所需的复审员名单,我们会注意到每个复审员的反馈。)

24、On average, each respondent said they plan to develop 6.5 apps this year, up 183% over last year.(平均每个调查对象称他们计划今年开发6.5个应用,该数量较去年上升了183%。)

25、respondent: Whatever you do, you need to have a strong team spirit, as well as some basic professional skills.(受访者:现在不管你做什么,都需要有很强烈的团队精神,还有就是你的专业基本素质。)

26、Objection to the trademark objection to the respondent, the respondent can successfully registered after.(有异议的要进行商标异议答辩,答辩通过后即可成功注册。)

27、Furthermore, there was no association between respondent age, gender, or level of training and utilization.(此外,没有任何协会之间的受访者年龄,性别,或训练水平和利用率。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


