

2022-12-04 来源:帮我找美食网

note的意思是:n.笔记;便条;纸币;音符;票据;注解;音调;vt.注意;记录;注解。note的例句是用作名词(n.)Students should take notes during the lectures.学生们上课应该做笔记。note名词:noter;过去式:noted;过去分词:noted;现在分词:noting;第三人称单数:notes。


  1. 笔记,记录
  2. 便条
  3. 名声
  4. 按语
  5. 备忘录
  6. 评论
  7. 纸币
  8. 注释,注解
  9. 音符
  10. 票据
  11. 口气
  12. 注意
  13. 通牒
  1. 注意,注目
  2. 记下,记录,摘下
  3. 笔录
  4. 【音】用音符记出
  5. 指明,提到,指出,表明
  6. 对…加注释,注解
  7. 留意,留心


  1. a brief written record;

    "he made a note of the appointment"

  2. a short personal letter;

    "drop me a line when you get there"

  3. a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound;

    "the singer held the note too long"

  4. a tone of voice that shows what the speaker is feeling;

    "there was a note of uncertainty in his voice"

  5. a characteristic emotional quality;

    "it ended on a sour note"
    "there was a note of gaiety in her manner"
    "he detected a note of sarcasm"

  6. a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank);

    "he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes"

  7. a comment or instruction (usually added);

    "his notes were appended at the end of the article"
    "he added a short notation to the address on the envelope"

  8. high status importance owing to marked superiority;

    "a scholar of great eminence"

  9. a promise to pay a specified amount on demand or at a certain time;

    "I had to co-sign his note at the bank"

  1. make mention of;

    "She observed that his presentation took up too much time"
    "They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing"

  2. notice or perceive;

    "She noted that someone was following her"
    "mark my words"

  3. observe with care or pay close attention to;

    "Take note of this chemical reaction"

  4. make a written note of;

    "she noted everything the teacher said that morning"


1. 纸币:和其它国家的货币一样,美国的货币也分为纸币(note)和硬币(coin)两种. 美国货币的硬币分六种:一分(penny)、五分(nickle)、十分(dime)、二十五分(quarter)、五十分(half dollar)、一百分或一美元(dollar)等. 既有一美元的纸币也有一美元的硬币,


2. 记录:都严格的按照科学实验的程序进行探究,所有的参展作品都有详细的实验说明,说明一般包括:假设(hypothesis)、程序(procedure)、材料(material)、资料(data)、实验过程记录(note)、结论(conclusion)和讨论(discussion)等几个部分,

3. note的意思

3.note:nte; 记号,标志,符号,注解,备忘录


Students should take notes during the lectures.


Seeing nobody at home, he decided to leave a note.


I'd like to break this 50 dollars note.


It was only momentary--a sad note as out of an old song--and then it was gone.


You should pay off the note before our next cooperation.


Pay attention to the notes on each page;those notes might be the focus of our exam.


There was a note of warning in what he said.


I failed to note that he had left.


Let me note down your address and telephone number.


The meaning of this sentence is noted on the lower right part of the page.



用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)


  • She..hummed..and did not make a single false note.

    出自:W. Irving
  • He ran upstairs, noting Gertrude's suitcase in the..bedroom.

    出自:I. Murdoch
  • The major thing to note..is that they never were songs for individuals.

    出自:S. Biko


note, bill
  • 这两个词的意思都是“钞票”,二者的用法基本相同,经常可以互换使用。其主要的区别在于:bill为美国用词,而note为英国用词。例如:
  • I have five one-dollar bills.我有五张1美元的钞票。
  • She gave me four five-pound notes.她给了我四张5英镑的纸币。
  • note, mark
  • 这两个词的共同意思是“注释”。其区别是:
  • note不能用来指教师在批阅学生作业或试卷时所写的分数或划的符号,而mark则可以; note表示在书中对某一个词、一个人物、一个事件、一段话等所作的简短评论或解释。例如:
  • He made a few marks on the page with his pen.他用笔在纸上画了一些符号。
  • v.(动词)
    note, attend, heed, mind, notice
  • 这组词都可表示“注意”或“详细观察”。其区别在于:
  • 1.mind强调“用心”“全心全意”,多用于祈使句中。例如:
  • Mind that you don't forget to tell him.记住,别忘了告诉他。
  • Mind out, there's a car coming.小心,一辆汽车开过来了。
  • 2.attend指把注意力集中在某事上而不分心、不走神,常后接介词to。例如:
  • Peter attends school, but doesn't attend to his lesson.彼得上学去了,却没认真听课。
  • He attended to his business.他专心于他的事务。
  • He didn't attend to the point you spoke of.他没有注意到你说的要点。
  • 3.heed强调注意某件事的过程,是正式用语,多用于书面语。例如:
  • If she heeded what the teacher told her, she might make better progress.如果她多留意老师对她说的话,她也许会有更大的进步。
  • She countered that her advice had not been heeded.她反驳说她的建议未被重视。
  • 4.notice指偶然一眼无意识地注意到了某个细节,而此细节对一些大的格局来说可能很是重要的。例如:
  • He slipped away when we were not noticing.我们没注意时,他就溜走了。
  • He didn't notice you when you passed by.你走过时,他没有注意到你。
  • I noticed with great satisfaction that you made great progress.我很满意地看到,你取得了很大的进步。
  • 5.note既可像notice那样觉察到某个细节,又可像attend, heed那样付出注意力,专心于某事,多用于祈使句中,且语气较强。例如:
  • The president's every word was noted down.总统的每句话都被记录下来。
  • Note how I do it, then copy me.注意看我是怎么做的,然后照着做。
  • Note when the machine will stop.注意这台机器什么时候停。
  • note, notice, observe, perceive
  • 这组词都有“注意”“观察”的意思。其区别是:
  • perceive指使用各种感觉器官去了解事物; notice指观察并注意到某个重要却又很容易被忽略掉的细节; note比notice意味更强烈,指不但注意到,而且记录下来,但有时只指思想上注意到并记在脑中; observe指在方便有利的位置上注意观察、研究某事物或现象,强调思想高度集中,态度严谨客观,但此词多用于科研方面。
  • letter,note,correspondence,message
  • 这些名词均有“信”之意。
  • letter最普通用词,泛指一切形式的书信,尤指邮寄的信。
  • note指内容直截了当的短信或便条,正式或非正式均可。
  • correspondence集合名词,指全部来往信件。
  • message指书信、口信、电报等。
  • notice,note,mind,attend,remark
  • 这些动词均含“注意”之意。
  • notice指对所见、所闻、所感的人或事作出的反应,侧重结果。
  • note语气比notice强,指不仅注意到,而且记录下来,侧重注意的认真与仔细。
  • mind指用心地去观察,了解某人或某物以达到某一目的,常用于命令句中。
  • attend一般用词,侧重专心于某事。
  • remark一般指经过思维活动而注意到。
  • note的相关近义词



    notebooknotchnoterNotevNoteranotexinnotepadNotegennoteletnote onnote seanotecard

