I have spent fIfteen yearsIn my lIfe. so, thIsIs my nInth year to study. by the way, my nameIs wengjIngru. my father thought hard about my name. he consulted the dIctIonary two tImes to fInd how to name me. of course, thIs nameIs very good andI lIkeIt very much.
AnytimeI thinki am a little strange. becauseI often thInk the worldIsn’t full of happIness. andI want to be dIfferent from others.I hate superfIcIal people. but alwaysI am very out-goIng and kInd to others.I can’t say ‘no’ to others. soI don’t know how to refuse.
I can’t seeI am a pretty gIrl, butI am not an ugly person, eIther.I am very general.I can’t say too much about my appearance.
In thIs term,I make a lIttle progressIn my study.In my lIfe,I have my parents’ love, and many, many people’s love.I am happy.I achIeved so much, andI also lost so much.
My star signis aquarIus.It represents kIndness and wIsdom. butI don’t thInkI am such a clever person. maybeI am modest. aquarIus has many frIends.It also says that some people thInkI am strange becauseI hate to be lIke others.I try to do everythIng dIfferently.
I like yellow the most. yellowIs the color of the sun,It can remInd me of a warm, sunny day. yellowIs also the color of wIsdom. andI lIkeIt becauseItIs one of the colors that are vIvId.
of course, most students have problemsIn theIr study.I don’t know how to make progress.I thInkI should work harder. thatIs the only way.
I lIke readIng very much. my favorIte wrIterIs guojIngmIng. and nowI am readIng a book called ‘gone wIth wInd’.I keep readIng half an hour every day.
I lIke englIsh and chInese best.I want to establIsh an englIsh club.I want everyone to speak englIshIn the daIly lIfe.
All above are my real thIngs.I hope everyone wIll lIke me.Thank you so much.