专利名称:Network service architecture
发明人:Shaul Dar,Eden Shochat,Geva Solomonovich申请号:US10395801申请日:20030324
摘要:A system for use in a network that includes a plurality of clients and a pluralityof servers configured to provide services includes at least one interface configured tocommunicate with the clients and the servers, a memory that contains computer-readable and computer-executable instructions, and a processor coupled to the at least
one interface and to the memory and configured to read and execute the instructions,the instructions being configured to cause the processor to: analyze a client-servicecommunication, received from one of the clients by the at least one interface, for a clientidentifier associated with the client originating the client-service communication and for avirtual service identifier associated with an intended service of the client-servicecommunication; perform network address translation on the client-service
communication to produce a modified client-service communication, the translationincluding translating the virtual service identifier to an actual service identifier of theservice and translating the client identifier to a virtual source identifier; and transmit themodified client-service communication via the at least one interface toward the intendedservice.