专利名称:Semiconductor logic device and logic circuit发明人:アルット アウロラ申请号:JP2019501557申请日:20170713公开号:JP2019521527A公开日:20190725
摘要:Semiconductor logic element and logic circuit The present invention relates to asemiconductor logic device including a first conductivity type field effect transistor and asecond conductivity type field effect transistor. The gate of the first FET is the input ofthe semiconductor logic element, the drain of the second FET is called the output of thesemiconductor logic element, and the source of the second FET is the source of thesemiconductor logic element. By applying an applicable potential to the terminal of the
field effect transistor, it is possible to influence the output state of the logic element.The invention also relates to different types of logic circuits comprising the describedlogic elements. [Selection] Figure 4
申请人:ハイペリオン セミコンダクターズ オサケユイチア
地址:フィンランド国,00330 ヘルシンキ,カデティンティエ 4 アー 5
代理人:青木 篤,三橋 真二,南山 知広,伊坪 公一,森 啓