A complaint letter
Dear Sir or Madam
I am a guest, living in your hotel last week. I checked in all right and I was pleased to find the room was quite spacious and clean. Because I dislike living in a small room. But the noise of the guests made at the midnight, who lived beside my room, really made me angry. I can not have a good sleep and I had a low spirit the next day. Besides, I am not satisfied with the service of food. So I only ordered room service once. The food you provided was not only terrible, but also very expensive. So when I got to pay the bill, I had a heart attack. The two things I met really makes me unsatisfied.
Therefore, I hope that your hotel should have the wall that can prevent the noise and make the guests have a good rest. Then, I think you should improve the service of catering. The taste of the food should be improved and becomes better. Then, the price of the food must be reduced. I hope that your hotel should also invite me to sleep and have a taste of the improved food once, which can show yours sincerity.
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