Previously, I wrote a general introduction on ICAO(International Civil Aviation Organization) test, I just made a simple description on how to get over it and how to get prepared for it. Today, I’m going to share more with you, let’s start it from picture description in OPI (oral proficiency interview)
In this picture, I can see there’s an abnormal situation, the weather is fine, and visibility is good. I can see there’s a plane in the water, it makes a successful ditching. There are some emergency ships around the plane; maybe the passengers have already been evacuated.
In my opinion, I think the plane just encountered a bird strike. The engine might be damaged during flight, so the pilot had to make a forced landing in the water.
If I were the captain on the plane, in this situation, first, I will stay calm, maintain the attitude of my plane, try to
approach the water surface carefully. Second, I will report to ATC immediately and request emergency services such as emergency ships and first aid. Third, I will cooperate with crew members and ask them to help evacuate the passengers according to SOP, which is Standard Operation Procedure. At last,as a captain, I would make a passenger announcement, for example: ladies and gentleman, this is your captain speaking, we have encountered an abnormal situation, but don’t worry, believe us, everything is under control and ATC’s help is available.
的,比如说当老师问到你say something about this picture,你可以把图片说完哈,主动加上if I were the captain on board, I will``I will```,当然了,过渡一定要自然,这样会给评分者和考官留下一个good impression
其次,我认为图片在于 关键词。
请你看以上这幅图,如果熟悉关键词的同学应该知道关键词有:ditching (水上迫降), emergency evacuation (紧急撤离), ATC assistance (ATC救援), bird strike (鸟击),engine flame out or engine failure (发动机停车或失效)``
试想,如果你连关键词都不了解,你如何去描述一幅图片。当然了,不仅我们ICAO是这样考试,其它的picture description也是一样的。所以,单词仍然是重中之重!! 那么,在了解单词之后,就是语言的组织过程, 思路。
很多同学跟我说过,看到一幅图片,完全不知从哪说起。好不容易开始说了呗,感觉思路很混乱,东一句西一句。好不容易说得有个逻辑了呗,发音语法不连贯这些问题又来了。那么,如何在对图片产生第一印象时理清思路呢?我认为,首先,要明白,图片中的“关键信息”是什么,比如说上图的关键信息就是:the plane makes a ditching into the water and there are emergency ships around.。好了,其次,就是“次要信息”,the weather is good, the visibility is fine, the emergency slides have been deployed and so on.。最后我的建议就是先说次要信息,再说主要信息。因为这样可以为你节约时间去思考如何组织语言说重点:关键信息!! 技巧
关键词. 思路。 技巧。 熟练程度。
分数。当然了,技巧也是很有用的。比如就拿这张图说: in this picture, I can see the weather is _____, the visibility is _____, there is an abnormal situation, ____________________________(关键信息:飞机出了什么事). In my opinion, the reason may be that _____________(原因分析,due to bird strike/ engine failure/ control system failure/ bad weather, etc.). If I were the captain on board, in this situation, I will keep calm first, maintain the attitude of the plane. Second, judge the cause of this malfunction and follow checklist. Third, contact ATC and request emergency assistance. Forth, make a passenger address, for example, ____________(乘客通知详细见前面)
要说什么是技巧,这就是技巧!比如说Concord on fire这幅图:In this picture, I can see there is an abnormal situation, the weather is fine and visibility is ok, I can see there’s a plane taking off form the runway and it’s on fire. This is a very dangerous situation, if I were the captain on board, in this situation, first, I’ll stay calm and maintain the attitude of the plane, second, ____, third___, at last, I will evacuate the passengers and make a PA: ladies and gentleman, this is your captain speaking, ________________________. 熟练程度
如何让自己对图片描述熟练起来??我只能说:practice makes perfect.练习时,切记要读出声来,最好是找个同学或老师一起练,这样有问题可以立即纠正。不过,不方便的同学也可以找一个麦克风,把自己说的录下来,一遍结束之后,听自己的录音,语音语调语法问题“一听了然”。只有这样,用正确的方法多练,才能达到熟练的效果,从而“举一反三”“灵活运用”。
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