专利名称:Bone plates and associated screws发明人:Manoj Kumar Singh,Subash K.
Mannanal,Robert Dominik,Pierre-LucSylvestre,Andreas Wiederkehr
摘要:A bone plate includes a bone-contacting surface, an upper surface opposite thebone-contacting surface, and a hole having a circumference and extending from the
upper surface to the bone-contacting surface. The hole includes a first portion having aplurality of substantially parallel lips, each lip extends around the circumference of thehole and defines a diameter of the hole. The diameters of the hole, as defined by the lips,decrease in a direction from the upper surface to a center of the hole and increase in adirection from the center of the hole toward the bone-contacting surface.
申请人:Stryker European Operations Limited
地址:Carrigtwohill IE
代理机构:Lerner, David, Littenberg, Krumholz & Mentlik, LLP
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