


  unit 6 i'm more outgoing than my sister教案示例  教学目标  学会谈论有关人的性格特征  学会比较人们的个性特点的不同  学会形容词比较级的用法  教学向导 目标语言 学习策略与思维技巧 重点词汇 1. is that sam? no, that’s tom. he has shorter hair than sam. 2. he’s calmer than sam. tom is more athletic than sam. 3. liu ying is not as good at sports as her sister. lin ping is a little more outgoing than me/ i am. 分类表述 听取特定信息 taller, shorter, thinner, longer, calmer, wilder, quieter funnier, heavier, more, intellectual, athletic, popular, same, different be good at, like to 语言结构 语言功能 多元智能 形容词的比较级用法 相关修饰副词 谈论人物性格 比较人物特性 逻辑分类与表述 人物个性分析   重点句型  1. is that sam?  no, that’s tom. he has shorter hair than sam.  2. he’s calmer than sam.  tom is more athletic than sam.  3. liu ying is not as good at sports as her sister.  lin ping is a little more outgoing than me/ i am.  4. i am a little taller than her/ she is.  5. my friend is the same as me. we are both quiet.  my friend is different from me.  主题词表  主题思维图  教学过程  period 1  task 1. compare different people and different things.  before class, ask ss to write down as many adj. about people as possible. check the adj. ss write and we can group them into some pairs, like: [section a 1a]  tall --- short;  thin --- heavy,  long hair --- short hair,  calm --- wild…  give ss an example by comparing old henry and santa claus.   e.g.: santa claus is older than henry.     henry is taller than santa claus.      henry is younger than santa claus.    santa claus is younger than henry.  ask ss to compare with their partners and find out the differences.   e.g.: she is heavier than me. i am more outgoing than her.  ask ss to see the pix about apples and pears to see the differences. then compare some of their things with each other.  e.g.: the apples are bigger than the pears.  the pears are more delicious than the apples.  summarize the comparatives. group competition.    a + be(v) + 比较级 + than + b.  一般在词尾后加 er 或est.

  tall-taller-tallest     hard-harder-hardest    soon-sooner-soonest   clever-cleverer-cleverest   cold-colder-coldest    bright-brighter-brightest   new-newer-newest      low-lower-lowest  long-longer-longest young-younger-youngest fast-faster-fastest near-nearer-nearest short-shorter-shortest high-higher-highest slow-slower-slowest  

  以不发音 的元音“e”结尾的形容词, 加er或est.

  close-closer-closest     fine-finer-finest    wide-wider-widest      nice-nicer-nicest    strange-stranger-strangest large-larger-largest white-whiter-whitest late-later-latest


  angry-angrier-angriest      cloudy-cloudier-cloudiest   early-earlier-earliest    happy-happier-happiest   busy-busier-busiest dirty-dirtier-dirtiest easy-easier-easiest heavy-heavier-heaviest


  big-bigger-biggest     fat-fatter-fattest      hot-hotter-hottest    thin-thinner-thinnest wet-wetter-wettest red-redder-reddest

  三音节以及三音节以上词加more  more beautiful     more intelligent    more handsome…  不规则的变化形式  good --- better --- best  bad --- worse --- worst  many --- more --- most  little --- less --- least  far --- farther --- farthest  [exercise] write down all the following the comparatives of the following adjs. and have a small competition.   strong, early, bright, hot, large, fat, heavy, slow, beautiful, interesting, useful, red, dirty, clever, important    listening and practicing.  [finish p36 2a, 2b, 2c.]  game. “the sameness and differences” ask ss to pick up anyone in the class to compare and contrast with him / her by using porker. [p37 4.]  period 2  task 2. my best friend (christmas party)  ask ss “what a good friend should be like?” [section b 1a]  e.g.  i think a good friend makes me laugh          for me, a good friend likes to do the same thing as me.          yes and a good friend is popular, too.          that’s not very important for me.  listening. 2a.   christmas day is coming, you are planning a christmas party and you are sure to invite some of your best friends to join the party, what kind of persons you would like to choose. likes about best friends appearance personality the same as best friend different from best friend                                 extensive words:    about appearance:     wave hair          shiny hair             flowing hair   oval face          heart shape face      rosy face  round cheeks      large forehead        sharp chin  watery eyes      curled-up lips  about personality:  bright, careless, generous, talkative, sociable(善交际的,友善的), reflective, quiet.  sentence structures:  what does your best friend look like?  what is your best friend’s personality?  he is serious/ smart/ intellectual.  mary and i are both outgoing.  mary and i both have long hair.  linda is more outgoing than me/i am.  my friend should be…and…than….  you can report like this:  i am having a christmas party,…   4. section b 3a, 4.  period 3  1. revision: reading & reciting 3a  2. oral practice  a game: one s describes his /her best friend; let others guess who he/she is.  task 3. how time flies.  compare and contrast your personality and appearance between the past and now.   past now appearance     personality     life style     study       ask ss to find out the two pictures of the past and now of you.   e.g.: i am much taller than 5-7 years ago. and i am calmer than before… i am still who i am. i am still very active and energetic and i am a good person.  教学点评及反思:  一.课堂任务设计思路:  本课由三个任务组成,由浅入深,逐层递进,形成完整的任务链教学结构:  第一个任务是对比人物与物品的不同特性。此任务既是对以前所学形容词部分的复习,也是一个任务活动。通过对图片的观察和分析、对比,学生自己发现形容词比较级的一般规律以及特殊规律。并将其熟练应用在班级教室内所见到的任何物品的比较之中。此任务不仅训练了有关人物和物品的比较分析,还涉及到跨学科学习的相关能力训练。  第二个任务听录音示范后,相互询问对方的朋友观,说明什么样的人是自己心目中认为的好朋友。在完成任务前,先要完成一个听力训练,即语言输入的过程。学生先通过反复听他人对好朋友标准的描述,在此基础上掌握相关语言结构,为语言输出,即任务的顺利完成打下基础。接下来的任务通过三步完成:首先学生通过讨论,决定自己好友的性格、外貌、与自己的相同之处、与自己的不同之处,并将其填入表中。然后询问同伴好友的标准,用以确定自己的标准是否全面。第三步四人一组活动,询问新的同伴的好友以及通过他来了解他刚才的同伴(即第三方)的信息。最后进行小组汇报确定在圣诞节宴会上大家邀请的好友都是哪些同学,并说明理由。第三步尤为重要,因为在此突出体现了由信息差造成的交流活动的必要性。  第三个任务是一个接近真实任务,即真实生活中的事情。首先,同学们怀着浓厚的兴趣找寻同伴小时候的照片,此过程中要通过照片传达的外貌特征和性格特点找寻相对应的同学。在找到后,要分别描述自己和同伴小时候和现在的相同与不同,尤其是不同点恰恰体现岁月给成长留下的痕迹。在此活动中所涉及到的最基本的句型结构是关于人物外貌、性格变化所涉及到的形容词比较级的综合运用,但是由于它是接近真实的任务,学生参与性很强。任务的完成会大大超出最初的设想,因为它最大限度的调动了学生的积极性,他们会在完成任务的同时自觉的运用他们在第一和第二个任务中所用到的知识,以及一些超出本课教学内容的语言知识。这对学生自觉学习能力的提高是有很大好处的。同时,通过比较分析,同学们对自己的成长历程又是一次审视和检验,从中看到自己经历与得失。是很好的情感教育机会。  二.课后自评:  对于任务型课程的设计要自始至终体现任务的要求与特点,尤其是如何使得任务从简单重复性的起始任务逐层递进到真实的或接近真实的任务。使得课堂呈现阶梯递进,由简单到复杂的教学结构。  本课在设计上就是从这一点出发,在课堂呈现了三个环环相扣的任务,形成了一个完整的任务链。最终达到完成最后一个复杂的真实任务的目的。在众多老教师的指导下,我在如何设计任务型活动以及如何让这三个任务形成一个自然过渡、环环相扣的任务链上下了一番功夫。最终顺利的完成了所有的任务活动。尤其在最后一个任务完成时出现了许多让老师们惊奇的结果。学生的创造力和想象力被充分调动,纷纷说出、做出许多佳作。这也体现了任务完成过程中的不可预知性。  本课出现的问题是:第一,任务设计较多,尤其是第一个任务,同时要兼顾语法内容的教学,因此显得比较烦琐冗长,建议可以分几个课时完成。第二,由于话题涉及友情和成长的内容,尤其是在完成第二个有关朋友的任务的时候,教师一定要格外注意同学们情绪的变化,要适当引导,尽量避免出现不和谐的课堂气氛。作者:北京清华附中 周喆 
