专利名称:Operating unit to control a cooking hob发明人:Kleinhans, Andreas,Kraus, Randolf申请号:EP10169249.9申请日:20100712公开号:EP2284446B1公开日:20170118
摘要:The unit (60) has a capacitive sensor (61) to select a cooking zone (20) byoperating the capacitive sensor, and an adjusting element (65) to adjust a heating powerof the selected cooking zone. A control unit records an operating duration of thecapacitive sensor, selects a cooking zone in response to the operating duration beingwithin in a time period, and activates or deactivates one of two heating rings (21, 22) ofthe selected cooking zone in response to the operation duration being within anothertime period, which does not overlap with the former time period.
申请人:E.G.O. Elektro-Gerätebau GmbH,E G O ELEKTRO-GERÄTEBAU GMBH,E.G.O.Elektro-Gerätebau GmbH
代理机构:Patentanwälte Ruff, Wilhelm, Beier, Dauster & Partner mbB
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