关于旅游的英语作文关于旅游的英语作文(一): ,,’,,,
Iwenttosomeotherinterestingplaces ,
suchastheorientalBrightPearlTVTower, dhappyholiday.
Thissummervacation, IwenttoBeijing. Itwasaverygreatcity!
Th enwewentt o visitTia n’
we 1 i vedi nasma llhou sein aBeiji ngH utung,i tw asatradi t ionalBei j ingbuildin gcalled’ fo ur-sectio n pound.
Ien joyedm ysel falot . Ilov eBe i jing!
,Daliana ndHuIIehot .
”,th eSu mmerPa lace,theP alace muse um, the Bei haiPark,t heSpacem u seum,’
’smor e, ’sliket obe “achil daga in!” y oucan visi toneof the “sevenw on dersofth e world,,’ su chastheGra ndcanyonan dfeelthem a gnificen ce ofnatur e!y oucant aste the “m agici al” i cewate ron aglacie r,’ ’ ’ tforg e ttobringy ourbackpac k!
Tra velson Holi daysi nchin a
Nowaday s, , themost i nterestin goneistheg rowthofthe so-called h olidayca mp s.
Fr omth erepo rtwec arise ethati n20 XX,,fro ml Opercent i n20XXto38 percentin2 OXX,,,38pe rcentpeop 1 e!
why did thosec hang esapp ear?,it’,,,peop le’ sliving st andardto d ayhasbeen risinggrea tly.
L astsum merv acati on,,,thes eawasa sbl ueasthe sk y, andbat h inginthes unshineont hebeach,,, suchasfis h,prawn,,,a ndiflgo tac hance,Ihop etoeh ereag ain, itissu cha beautif ul andinter e stingplac e.
H el loevery one,I' m.\"y ouca nca.ll me*“Ia masu nnyand
har d-worki ng girlfrom c lass79, Gr adelofcE jING
’ “Tr av elingan dRe ading”
As anan cientc hin esesayi ng goes, “He w hotravels farknowsmu ch’’ . Inmyop inion,,,; i tcanbroa de nmyvisi on,,hers’ wond erful descr ipti on.
I ha vebeento B ei jing,Na njing, Shan dong,Hangz hou,,' veb e entoandt he placesl onl ytrave lonb ooksb othim pres saloto nme .
agesanddi sadvantag e s.范文,me,yo uwillno ton lyenri chyo urkno wledg eand experi enc es,,, yo um
aygoover t hesememor iesandenjo yyourpaste xperience s, thuskee pi ngafres han dsunny mind .整理:T hefie ld39 shisst udy,
,,wh i ch,althou ghslow, ‘‘ac hildagain” youcanvis
i toneofth e “sevenwo nde rsofth ewor Id” su chast heGr andean yon andfeel th emagnifi c enceofnat ureyoucant astethe “magicial” icewat
:o ther sthink ofi taninvi si bleschoo 1,Bothareb asedonanac ceptedfact thattouri s mcannoto nl yproduc epr ofitsb eari ngnop ollut iona longwi th,,claimi ng thatwhat e,tourisms houldholda positionin thescopea n doughtto be treated ass uch.
Itis true thatth ere issomes en seinthet h eory, yeta nothe, inte rmsofitsob jectivepu r poses,, h av ingmoti ves andgoa lsof every kind, tour istsge tto gether , dr awclosea n dexchange ideasofthe irown,?Tot hequestio n weshould ha vegoodr eas ontogi veap roper answe r: it isaspi rit product io n,, themo r eg,,tokee pcloseeyes onthelatte rinvolves c hangingo ur mindsfi rst,thati s,to urism isbyn o
meansa.p ur eeconomi c concept, b uttakesple ntyofideol ogicalact i vitiesas it sconten t.
Tosu mup,u nlik eother eco nomicfo rm s,thepro f itsfromto urismecono mycannotbe measuredp 1 etelybym ea nsofhow muc houtpu tval ue, pr ofit, ,,, c onstru cti ngfirst -c lasssoft a
ndhardsur roundingsi sdesiredto attractto u rists,th ef oreigna ndt hedome stic .
’ smo r e,’ sliket obe “achild again! you canvisito n eofthe “s ev enwonde rso fthewo rid, ’’ such asthe Gran dcanyo nan dfeelth em agnifice n ceofnatur e!youcanta stethe “mag icial,’ ice w ateronag la cier,…tf orgett obri ngyou rback pack !