正方:Advantages 反方:Disadvantages
反方 : 1.网络购物安全性确实存在隐患,网络中存在许多骗子,可能通过各种手段欺骗消费者,敌人在暗我们在明防不胜防。就目前的法律,技术的完善程度,网购的安全性的确没有保障,事后追查更是不易。目前的技术手段还无法达到让人们放心网购的阶段。在这种情况下,网络购物应当禁止,中国有句古话,工欲善其事必先利其器,然器钝何谈善事?
Firstly, the risks of online shopping security do exist. There are many swindlers on the network, they may deceive consumers through various means .The False friends are worse than bitter enemies.( 明枪易躲,暗箭难防) Currently base on the not well equipped law and technology, the security of on-line shopping far from guaranteed, to make matters worse, the cyber crime is difficult to detect. The current techniques have not yet reached the stage that allow people to be assured of the on-line shopping. In this case, the online shopping should be forbidden, as the Chinese saying goes—sharp tools mark good work(工欲善其事必先利其器)but where is the sharp tools?
正方 2网购最能够吸引消费者之处在于便宜,它满足了多数人追求物美价廉的消费心理。网店无需交纳房租、水、电等费用,可以使卖家有效地减少成本。网络也给很多卖家提供了展示自己优势的平台,网店一般都有特殊的进货渠道,掌握着一手货源,甚至是厂家直销,剔除了批发零售过程中间商环节的利润,即使加上运费,商品价格依然很低。另外,还有团购、竞拍等网购方式,可以用非常低廉的价格得到心仪的物品。
In addition to convenient online shopping, the most to attract consumers is cheap, it satisfies the most people to pursue high quality and inexpensive consumer psychology. The shop without the need to pay rent, water, electricity and other costs, can make the seller effectively reduce cost. The network also gave many sellers provides display their own platform, the general shop special purchase channels, master first-hand sources, even is the direct
manufacturers, wholesale and retail process eliminates the middleman profits, even with the freight charges, commodity prices remain low. In addition, there are other ways, group purchase auction online shopping, can use very low price to get the right things.
反方 : 3对方辩友会说网购省钱。据美国有关部门的统计,网购消耗的能源原来是巨大无比的。网购需要电脑,无数服务器要24小时为坐在电脑前的消费者服务,由此产生的能量浪费和废气的排放,是相当严重的。此外我们还要担负邮费。退一步讲,网购的物品是否便宜还有待考察。我们网购图的是便宜,可事实却是我们用正品的价格买下仿冒的物品,便宜无好货,古人的话不无道理······ The other side argued that the shopping online save money .According to the statistics of U.S. departments, the energy consumption of shopping online is enormous. Shopping online needs a computer, numerous servers will service the consumer sitting in front of the computer for 24 hours .the result is that the energy waste and exhaust emissions is very serious. In addition, we have to bear the postage. It isn’t sure about that the net purchase is cheaper, to say the least. We hope shopping on-line is cheaper, but the fact is that we use the price of an authentic item to buy a counterfeit, no cheap merchandise is good, so the ancients justified…….
正方 : 4网购方便比对价格、顾客选择余地大、交易又快又方便。对于喜欢尝试新事物的年轻人来说,网上购物已逐渐成为一种时尚,想想这个时代的到来:“在家里面点一下鼠标,想要的东西就会送到门口”.,这样既满足了我们的需求,也节省了我们的时间。
Online shopping is convenient compared the price, customer choice, trading and fast and convenient. For love to try new things young people, online shopping has become a fashion, think about the coming of age: \" in the house mouse click, want something will be delivered to the door .\needs, save our time.
反方 : 5.网络中商品的质量没法保证,经常出现实际商品与网页中的照片和描述不相符。如果是衣服或者鞋子,由于没有试穿过,就会可能不是消费者所要的尺寸。而且网络中存在很多劣质商品,仿冒商品,严重影响人们的身心健康。 The quality of the goods on-line can not be guaranteed. The actual goods are often not matched with their photos and descriptions on-line. If we buy clothes or shoes, we may buy the clothes or shoes of which the size is not suitable for us, because we can’t try them on before we buy them. Besides, there are many inferior or counterfeit goods which may be seriously harmful to the customers’ physical and mental health.
正方: 6现代人都讲求效率,时间就是一切。尝试过邮购速度的人都知道,一来一去,半个月到一个月。遇到问题,退货换货又是一个月。这种速度在现在这种信息时代,简直让人无法忍受。试想,当您邮购了个最新款的手机准备在朋友中引领一下潮流,而一个月后收到手机时,市场上已经又新推出好几款了,这时候该是怎样的心情呢?网购的最大优势除了省力外,就是省时。它免去了在商场间奔波的时间,随时在网上键入你想要的商品,就可以知道这种产品的一切详尽信息,比较选择后,通过方便电子银行划款,只需一分种。随后几天之内,快递就会将物品送到。无需去邮局汇款,也不用忍受漫长的等待。
Modern people are efficiency, time is everything. Mail order speed tried knows, one to one, half a month to. Encounter problems, aging is a month. The speed in this information age, is simply intolerable. Imagine, when you order the latest mobile phone ready to lead a trend among friends, and one month after receipt of mobile phone, the market has also launched several new, this is how the mood? The biggest advantage of online shopping is in addition to saving, time saving. It eliminates the travel time between at the mall, at any time in the online type you want the goods, you can know all the detailed information of this product, more choice, through the convenient electronic bank transfer, just a minute. Then a few days, will be sent to express items. No need to go to the post office remittance, has to endure the long waiting.
正方 : 7在网店我们可以获得大量的商品信息,可以买到物美价廉的商品,在现实中,我们需要走路逛好多商店来购买我们想要的商品。在网购时,从挑选到买到货物无需亲临现场,既省时又省力,特别是大热天,在家里就可以购物,还有快递送货上门;在实体店购物就要很:!并且网上支付比拿现金支付更加安全,可避免现金丢失或遭到抢劫。
In online shop we can get a large amount of Commodity information, you can buy high quality and inexpensive goods. in reality, we have to walk around a lot of stores to buy the goods we want. In online shopping, from the selection to buy goods without having to visit the site, it can save time and labor, especially on a hot day, at home to shopping, and express door-to-door; in the physical shops we will be very tired! And online payment than cash payment more secure, to avoid lost or was robbed of cash