专利名称:Electronic device with opening/closing door发明人:Yosuke Nishihata申请号:US12555657申请日:20090908公开号:US08124889B2公开日:20120228
摘要:An electronic device with an opening/closing door according to the presentinvention includes a device body in which an opening is defined, and a shutter systemcapable of covering and exposing the opening. The shutter system includes a door forcovering the opening, an arm, a driving member for driving the arm, and a mounting table
having a front surface and a rear surface. The arm and the driving member are arrangedon the front surface, and the door is arranged on the rear surface. The door is capable ofsliding along the rear surface of the mounting table. The arm has a root end and a frontend. The root end is pivotably supported on the front surface of the mounting table at aposition closer to one side edge portion of the door than a center line of the width of thedoor. The front end engages with the other side edge portion of the door withoutholding the mounting table therebetween.
申请人:Yosuke Nishihata
地址:Osaka JP
代理机构:Westerman, Hattori, Daniels & Adrian, LLP
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