

2024-03-07 来源:帮我找美食网


PAN3204DB-TJDM LITTLE LOW POWER WIRELESS MOUSE SENSOR General Description The PAN3204DB-TJDM, AKA PAN3204LL, is a high performance and little low power CMOS process optical mouse sensor with DSP integration chip that serves as a non-mechanical motion estimation engine for implementing a computer wireless mouse. With adaptive frame rate control, known as AFC, this optical mouse sensor gains extra power saving during mouse moving. Features 󰂉 󰂉 Key Specification Operating voltage Power Supply1.73V ~ 1.98V (VDD and VDDA short) 2.1V ~ 3.6V (VDD) 1:1 Up to 30 inches/sec Single power supply Precise optical motion estimation technology Complete 2-D motion sensor Accurate motion estimation over a wide range of surfaces High speed motion detection up to 30 inches/sec High resolution up to 1600 CPI Power saving mode during times of no movement Serial interface for programming and data transfer Built-in low power Timer (LPT) for sleep1/sleep2 mode MOTSWK pin to wake up mouse controller when sensor wakes up from sleep mode Wide operation range from 2.1V to 3.6VLow power operation under 1.98V Adaptive frame rate control for extra power saving during moving Typical Operating Current Resolution Frame Rate Optical Lens Speed 󰂉 󰂉 󰂉 Acceleration Up to 10G 800/ 1000(Default)/ 1200/ 1600 CPI Up to 3200 frames/sec 2.1mA @ Mouse moving (Normal) 180uA @ Mouse not moving (Sleep1) 40uA @ Mouse not moving (Sleep2) 15uA @ Power down mode *not including LED, typical value **with optimized setting in AP Note Package Staggered DIP8 󰂉 󰂉 󰂉 󰂉 󰂉 󰂉 󰂉 󰂉 Ordering Information Order Number PAN3204DB-TJDM Resolution 1000 CPI All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 1 專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

E-mail: fae_service@pixart.com.tw V0.3, Aug. 2011

PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

1. Pin Configuration 1.1 Pin Description 1 PD Hardware control to enter power down mode. Build-in 1M ohm pull-down resistor. IN Level High: enter power down mode Level Low: leave power down mode OUT I/O IN Motion detect (active low output, see Section7) Serial interface bi-direction data Serial interface clock 2 3 4 MOTSWK SDIO SCLK 5 LED 6 VSS 7 VDD OUT LED control GND Chip ground Power supply (2.1V~3.6V) for internal power regulator, VDDA (1.9V) is the power regulator output. PWR Power supply (1.73V~1.98V) for low power operation voltage Analog/Digital supply voltage (1.9V) PWR Power supply (1.73V~1.98V) for low power operation voltage 8 VDDA 1.2 Pin Assignment LB81726354RB+ Y81234765+ XFigure 1. Top View Pinout Figure 2. Top View of Mouse All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 2 專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

2. Block Diagram and Operation

LEDLEDDRIVEADAPTIVEFRAMERATECONTROLPOWER ONRESETVOLTAGE REGULATORAND POWER CONTROLCMOS IMAGESENSORVDD2.1V ~ 3.6V POWERVSS1.73V ~ 1.98V POWERVDDAMOTSWKMOTION/WAKE UPDIGITAL SIGNALPROCESSORSERIALINTERFACESCLKSDIOSERIALINTERFACECONTROL REGISTERPOWER DOWNPD Figure 3. Block Diagram The PAN3204DB-TJDM, AKA PAN3204LL, is a high performance and little low power CMOS-process optical mouse sensor with DSP integration chip that serves as a non-mechanical motion estimation engine for implementing a wireless computer mouse. It is based on new optical navigation technology, which measures changes in position by optically acquiring sequential surface images (frames) and mathematically determining the direction and magnitude of movement. The mouse sensor is in an 8-pin optical package. The current X and Y information are available in registers accessed via a serial port. The word \"mouse sensor\PAN3204DB-TJDM, is used in the document. With brand-new technology, adaptive frame rate control (also known as AFC), the mouse sensor gain extra power saving during mouse moving. The AFC servers position/speed detection and then mapping to different frame rate. With lower frame rate, it leads to lower power consumption of the mouse sensor and LED. The mouse sensor is featured with THREE-level AFC which is 3200/1600/1060 frame per second.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

0x00 Product_ID1 R R R R R 0x30 Eight bits[11:4] number with the product identifier 0x01 Product_ID2 0x02 Motion_Status 0x03 0x04 Delta_X Delta_Y Upper Four bits[3:0] number with the product identifier 0xCX Lower Four bits[3:0] number with the product version - Bit field - - Eight bits 2’s complement number Eight bits 2’s complement number 0x05 Operation_Mode R/W 0x06 Configuration 0x07 Image_Quality R/W R R R/W 0xB8 Bit field 0x01 Bit field - Eight bits unsigned integer 0x08 Operation_State0x09 Write_Protect - Bit field 0x00 Bit field 0x72 Bit field 0x12 Bit field 0x92 Bit field 0x1E Eight bits unsigned integer 0x0A Sleep1_Setting R/W 0x0B Enter_Time R/W 0x0C Sleep2_Setting R/W 0x0D 0x0E Image_ Threshold Image_ Recognition R/W R/W 0xE5 Bit field 3.2 Register Descriptions 0x00 Product_ID1 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field PID[11:4] Usage The value in this register can’t be changed. It can be used to verify the serial communications link is OK. All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 4 專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field PID[3:0] Usage 0x02 VID[3:0] The value in this register can’t be changed. PID[3:0] can be used to verify that the serial communications link is OK. VID[3:0] is a value between 0x0 and 0xF, it represents the chip version. Motion_Status Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field Motion Usage Reserved[1:0] DYOVFDXOVF RES[2:0] Motion_Status register allows the user to determine if motion has occurred since the last time it was read. If so, then the user should read Delta_X and Delta_Y registers to get the accumulated motion. It also reveals if the motion buffers have overflowed since the last reading. The current resolution is also shown. Reading this register freezes the Delta_X and Delta_Y register values. Read this register before reading the Delta_X and Delta_Y registers. If Delta_X and Delta_Y are not read before the motion register is read a second time, the data in Delta_X and Delta_Y will be lost. Notes Field Name Motion Description Motion since last report 0 = No motion (Default) 1 = Motion occurred, freeze motion data in Delta_X and Delta_Y registers Reserved[1:0] Reserved for future use DYOVF Motion Delta Y overflow, ΔY buffer overflowed since last report 0 = No overflow (Default) 1 = Overflow has occurred Motion Delta X overflow, ΔX buffer overflowed since last report 0 = No overflow (Default) 1 = Overflow has occurred Resolution in counts per inch 000 = 800 001 = 1000 (Default) 010 = 1200 011 = 1600 100 – 111: reserved DXOVF RES[2:0] All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 5 專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

E-mail: fae_service@pixart.com.tw V0.3, Aug. 2011

PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

Bit 7 6 5 4 Field X7 Usage X6 X5 X4 3 X3 2 1 0 X2 X1 X0 X movement since last data frozen by reading Motion_Status register. Absolute value is determined by resolution. A reading clears the register. Report range –128 ~ +127. The MSB bit represents as sign bit. 0x04 Delta_Y Bit 7 6 5 4 Field Y7 Usage Y6 Y5 Y4 3 Y3 2 1 0 Y2 Y1 Y0 Y movement since last data frozen by reading Motion_Status register. Absolute value is determined by resolution. A reading clears the register. Report range –128 ~ +127. The MSB bit represents as sign bit. All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 6 專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

E-mail: fae_service@pixart.com.tw V0.3, Aug. 2011

PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

Bit 7 Field LEDsht_enh Usage 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Slp_enh Slp2_enh0 1 Slp2For Slp1For WakeupOperation_Mode register allows the user to change the mouse sensor operation modes. Shown below are the bits, their default values, and optional values. Operation_Mode[4:0] “0xxxx” = Disable sleep mode “10xxx” = Enable sleep1 mode1 “11xxx” = Enable sleep2 mode2 “11100” = Force entering sleep23 “1x010” = Force entering sleep13 “1x001” = Force wakeup from sleep mode3 Notes: 1. Enable sleep mode, but disable automatic entering sleep2 mode. In this case, only 2 modes are available, normal mode and sleep1 mode. After 256 ms (typical) not moving during normal mode, the mouse sensor will enter sleep1 mode, and keep on sleep1 mode until motion detected or wakeup bit asserted. Note that the entering time depends on the setting of Enter_Time register. 2. Enable sleep mode full function. In this case, 3 modes are available, normal mode, sleep1 mode and sleep2 mode. After 256 ms (typical) not moving during normal mode, the mouse sensor will enter sleep1 mode, and keep on sleep1 mode until motion detected or wakeup bit asserted. After 61 sec (typical) not moving during sleep1 mode, the mouse sensor will enter sleep2 mode, and keep on sleep2 mode until motion detected or force wakeup to normal mode. Note that the entering time depends on the setting of Enter_Time register. 3. Only ONE of these three bits, slp2mu_enh/slp1mu_enh/wakeup, can be set to 1 at a single register write, others MUST be 0. After function works, the asserted bit will be reset to 0 by internal signal.4. To force entering normal mode, clear Slp_enh/Slp2_enh bit when the mouse sensor is in normal mode; otherwise, in sleep mode, clear Slp_enh/Slp2_enh bit, and then assert Wakeup bit. Notes Field Name LEDsht_enh Bit [6:5] Description LED shutter enable/disable 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (Default) MUST always be 01 Sleep mode enable/disable 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (Default) *Note that disable sleep mode will also disable AFC function Automatic enter sleep2 mode enable/disable 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (Default) Slp_enh Slp2_enh All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 7 專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

Slp1For Wakeup Force entering sleep1 mode. Set “1” to enter sleep1, and then it will be reset to “0” Manual wake up from sleep mode, set “1” to wakeup and then it will be reset to “0”0x06 Configuration Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 PD_enhCPI [2:0] Field Reset Mot0Swk1 0 Usage The Configuration register allows the user to change the configuration of the mouse sensor. Shown below are the bits, their default values, and optional values. With Mot0Swk1 bit is clear, the MOTSWK pin is “level-sensitive”. The pin level remains low when motion has occurred; The mouse controller can read Motion_Status register, Delta_X register, then Delta_Y register sequentially to acquire motion data. After the mouse controller reads all data, Delta_X and Delta_Y are both zero, the pin level will be high (see Section7). With Mot0Swk1 bit is set, the MOTSWK pin is “edge-sensitive”. The pin will send a low pulse to trigger the mouse controller when the mouse sensor entering normal mode from sleep mode. The mouse controller can read Motion_Status register, Delta_X register, then Delta_Y register sequentially to acquire motion data (see Section7). Notes Field Name Reset Description Full chip reset 0 = Normal operation mode (Default) 1 = Full chip reset MOTSWK pin output selection (see Section 7) 0 = Motion function output (Default) 1 = SWKINT function output MUST always be 00 Power down mode 0 = Normal operation (Default) 1 = Power down mode Output resolution setting, setting with CPI mode select bit 000 = 800 001 = 1000 (Default) 010 = 1200 011 = 1600 100 – 111: reserved Mot0Swk1 Bit [5:4] PD_enh CPI[2:0] All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 8 專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field Imgqa[7:0] Usage Notes Image Quality is a quality level of the mouse sensor in the current frame. Report range 0 ~ 255. The minimum required level is to be larger than the value of Image_ Threshold register. otherwise, the DSP would not process the motion data. Field Name Imgqa[7:0] Description Image quality report range: 0(worst) ~ 255(best). 0x08 Operation_State Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field Reserved[3:0] Slp_stateUsage Notes Op_state[2:0] Operation_State register allows the user to read the operation state of the sensor. Field Name Reserved[3:0] Slp_state Description Reserved for future use Sleep state (If Op_state[2:0] is 110, the Slp_state bit is effective.) 0 = LPT sleep1 1 = LPT sleep2 000 = Normal state, 3200 FPS (with sleep function disable) 001 = Normal state, 3200 FPS (with sleep function enable) 011 = Normal state, 1600 FPS (with sleep function enable) 101 = Normal state, 1060 FPS (with sleep function enable) 110 = Sleep mode (see Slp_state bit to get sleep state.) Other values as transition state. Op_state[2:0] 0x09 Write_Protect Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field WP[7:0] Usage Notes Write protect for the register 0x0A ~ 0x7F. Field Name WP[7:0] Description Write protect enable/disable for the address after 0x09 0x00 = Enable (Default), register 0x0A ~ 0x7F are read only 0x5A = Disable, register 0x0A ~ 0x7F can be read/written All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 9 專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field Slp1_freq[3:0] Usage Notes 0 0 1 0 Sleep1_Setting register allows the user to set frequency time for the sleep1 mode. Field Name Slp1_freq[3:0]Bit [3:0] Description Setting frequency time for the sleep1 mode. A scale is 4ms. Relative to its value 0 ~ 15, the frequency time is 4ms ~ 64ms. Default is 32ms. (slp1_freq[3:0] = 0111) MUST always be 0010 0x0B Enter_Time Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field Slp1_etm[3:0] Usage Notes Slp2_etm[3:0] Enter_Time register allows the user to set enter time for the sleep1 and sleep2 mode. Field Name Slp1_etm[3:0] Description Setting sleep1 enter time. A scale is 128ms. Relative to its value 0 ~ 15, the frequency time is 128ms ~ 2048ms. Default is 256ms. (slp1_etm[3:0] = 0001) Setting sleep2 enter time. A scale is 20480ms. Relative to its value 0 ~ 15, the frequency time is 20480ms ~ 327680ms. Default is 61440ms (about 61 sec). (slp2_etm[3:0] = 0010) Slp2_etm[3:0] 0x0C Sleep2_Setting Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field Slp2_freq[3:0] Usage Notes 0 0 1 0 Sleep2_Setting register allows the user to set frequency time for the sleep2 mode. Field Name Slp2_freq[3:0]Bit [3:0] Description Setting frequency time for the sleep2 mode. A scale is 32ms. Relative to its value 0 ~ 15, the frequency time is 32ms ~ 512ms. Default is 320ms. (slp2_freq[3:0] = 1001) MUST always be 0010 All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 10專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field Imgqa_th[7:0] Usage Notes Image_ Threshold register allows the user to set image threshold. The mouse sensor calculates data to Delta_X and Delta_Y registers when image quality (please see Image_Quality register) is larger than image threshold. Field Name Imgqa_th[7:0] Description Image threshold: 0 (High recognition rate) ~ 255 (Low recognition rate). The minimum level for normally working is 30. Default is 00011110. 0x0E Image_Recognition Bit 7 6 5 4 0 3 2 1 0 Field pk_wt[2:0] Usage Notes Imgqa_df[3:0] Image_Recognition register allows the user to set recognition rate. Field Name pk_wt[2:0] Bit 4 Imgqa_df[3:0] Description Peak threshold weighting: 0 (Low recognition rate) ~ 7 (High recognition rate). Default is 111. MUST always be 0 Image qualification threshold difference: 0 (High recognition rate) ~ 15 (Low recognition rate). Default is 0101. All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 11專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

TSTG Storage Temperature -40 85 °C TA Operating Temperature -15 55 °C VDC DC Supply Voltage -0.2 Vdd1 + 0.2-0.3 Vdd2 + 0.3-0.3 VDC - 260 V V V All I/O pin VIN DC Input Voltage Lead Solder Temp °C For 10 seconds, 1.6mm below seating plane. All pins, human body model MIL 883 Method 3015 ESD - TBD kV4.2 Recommend Operating Condition Symbol Parameter TA Operating Temperature Vdd1 Vdd2 VNpp Z Power Supply Voltage Supply Noise Distance From lens Reference Plane to Surface Min.Typ.Max.Unit Notes 0 - 40 °C 1.73- 2.3 1.8 - 2.4 1.98100 2.5 1600320030 2.1 2.7 3.6 V mV mm VDDA, VDD short VDD Peak to peak within 10K - 80 MHzRefer to Figure 4. R Resolution FR Frame Rate S Speed A Acceleration 800 1000- 16000 - CPI MHz frames/s inches/s SCLK Serial Port Clock Frequency - - TBD0 - 10 g All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 12專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

tPDR PD Pulse Register - - 625usTwo frames time maximum after setting PD_enh bit in the Configuration register @3200frame/sec (refer to Figure 11). From VDD↑ to valid motion signals. 500usec + 90 frames. Minimum hold time for valid data (refer to Figure 9). @3200 frame/sec (refer to Figure 10) tPU tHOLD Power Up from VDD↑ 10 - 29msSDIO Read Hold Time - 1 3 - - - usustRESYNC Serial Interface RESYNC. tSIWTT Serial Interface Watchdog Timer Timeout 1.7 32 320 @3200 frame/sec (refer to Figure 10) 1.7ms for normal mode, 32ms (typical) for sleep1 mode, - - ms320ms (typical) for sleep2 mode. Note that the value depends on the setting of Sleep1_Setting register and Sleep2_Setting register. - us- ns- ns CL = 30 pF tSWKINT t r , t f t r , t f Sensor Wakeup Interrupt Time Rise and Fall Times: SDIO Rise and Fall Times: ILED - 157- - 30, 3030, 30 All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 13專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

Type: Power Supply Current IDDN Mouse Moving (Normal) Supply Current IDDS1 Mouse Not Moving (Sleep1) Supply Current IDDS2 Mouse Not Moving (Sleep2) Supply Current IDDPD (Power Down) Type: SCLK, SDIO VIH Input Voltage HIGH VIL Input Voltage LOW VOH Output Voltage HIGH VOL Output Voltage LOW Type: LED VOL Output Voltage LOW - 2.0 - mA - 160 - uA - 35 - uA - 15 - uA VDD*0.7- VDD-0.4- - - - - - - - VDD*0.3- 0.4 380 V V V @I OH = 2mA V @I OL = 2mA mV @I OL = 25mA 4.5 DC Electrical Characteristics (2.7V) Electrical Characteristics over recommended operating conditions. Typical values at 25 °C, VDD = 2.7 V Symbol Parameter Type: Power Supply Current IDDN Mouse Moving (Normal) Supply Current IDDS1 Mouse Not Moving (Sleep1) Supply Current IDDS2 Mouse Not Moving (Sleep2) Supply Current IDDPD (Power Down) Type: SCLK, SDIO VIH Input Voltage HIGH VIL Input Voltage LOW VOH Output Voltage HIGH VOL Output Voltage LOW Type: LED VOL Output Voltage LOW - - 380 mV @I OL = 25mA VDD*0.7- VDD-0.4- - - - - - VDD*0.3- 0.4 V V V @I OH = 2mA V @I OL = 2mA Min. Typ. Max. Unit - 2.1 - mA - 180 - uA - 40 - uA - 16 - uA All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 14專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

5. Z and 2D/3D Assembly

Figure 4. Distance from Lens Reference Plane to Surface

Figure 5. 2D Assembly

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

Figure 6. 3D Assembly for Mounting Instructions

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

6. Serial Interface

The synchronous serial port is used to set and read parameters in the mouse sensor. FIRST BYTER/W(1 BIT)ADDRESS (7 BIT)SECOND BYTEDATA (8 BIT)MSBLSBMSBLSB Figure 7. Transmission Protocol 6.1.1 Write Operation A write operation, which means that data is going from the mouse controller to the mouse sensor, is always initiated by the mouse controller and consists of two bytes. The first byte contains the address (seven bits) and has a “1” as its MSB to indicate data direction. The second byte contains the data. The transfer is synchronized by SCLK. The mouse controller changes SDIO on falling edges of SCLK. The mouse sensor reads SDIO on rising edges of SCLK. SCLKSDIODON'TCARE1123456A278910111213141516DON'TCAREA6A5A4A3A1A0D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0SDIO driven by the mouse controller Figure 8. Write OperationAll rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 17專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

6.1.2 Read Operation

SCLKSDIODON'TCARE102A63A54A45A36A27A18Hi-Z9D710D611D512D413D314D215D116D0Hi-Z_R/W bit of next addressA0SDIO driven by the mouse controllerNote \"A\"SDIO driven by the mouse sensorNote \"B\"Note \"A\"1. The mouse controller sends address to the mouse sensor.2. The mouse controller releases and set SDIO to Hi-Z after the last address bit.SCLKSDIO7A1A0tHOLD3us,minNote \"B\"1. The mouse sensor sends data to the mouse controller .2. The mouse sensor releases and set SDIO to Hi-Z after the last data bit.SCLKSDIO16Hi-ZD08Hi-ZD79_1R/W bit of next addressSDIO driven by the mouse controller Figure 9. Read Operation 6.2 Re-Synchronous Serial Interface If the mouse controller and the mouse sensor get out of synchronization, then the data either written or read from the registers will be incorrect. In such a case, an easy way to solve this condition is to toggle the SCLK line from high to low for least tRESYNC, and then MUST toggle it from low to high to wait at least tSIWTT to reach re-synchronous the serial port. This method is called by “watchdog timer timeout”. The mouse sensor will reset the serial port without resetting the registers and be prepared for the beginning of a new transmission. tSIWTTSCLKtRESYNC1u s, minSDIO12345678910111213141516Hi-ZADDRESS (R/W)_DATA Figure 10. Re-synchronous Serial Interface Using Watchdog Timer Timeout Note that this function is disabled when the mouse sensor is in the power down mode. If the user uses this function during the power down mode, it will get out of synchronization. The mouse sensor and the mouse controller also might get out of synchronization due to following conditions. All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 18專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

SCLK12345678910111213141516Address = 0x061000011000Data = 0x090010012 frames, maxSDIOIDDtPDRFigure 11. Power-down Configuration Register Writing Operation 6.5 Error Detection 1. The mouse controller can verify success of write operations by issuing a read command to the same address and comparing written data to read data. 2. The mouse controller can verify the synchronization of the serial port by periodically reading the product ID register All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 19專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

7. MOTSWK function 7.1 Motion function Note “A”MotionNote “A”Note “B”Note “A”: Motion data is clear.Note “B”: Motion data is not clear. Register 3, 4 may be queued non-zero data Figure 12. Motion function 7.2 SWKINT function To use SWKINT function, the Mot0Swk1 bit in the Configuration register must be set to one. SWKINT works when the mouse sensor is in the sleep mode and the mouse controller is also in the sleep mode. If the mouse sensor detects any motion occurrence at this moment, the mouse sensor will wake the mouse controller up promptly via MOTSWK pin. The mouse sensor will trigger the mouse controller at the rising/falling edge of MOTSWK pin. SWKINTtSWKINT Figure 13. SWKINT function All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 20專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

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PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

PowerVCC_BATBATSensor - PAN3204LLButtonsENSWZ_CM3Z2COMZ1ENCODERVCC_DC2Z11Z2R0_Z11MCB-ID12BindR0_Z2VCC_DC1MCB-ID is connectionbutton--> Should be putunder the bottom layerBAT+BAT+111BAT-111U1VIN PADL1127uHLX1N5819LXVOUTGND3D2VCC_DCC1+VDDAPDVDDMOTSWKVSSSDIOLEDSCLK8710uF65D1Red LEDR110BLB412B4R0BR12BR20.1uFU2S-PD12341uF1C2+C3R0CPI_SW12CPI_SWR0BM122S-MOTSWK1S-SDIOC15100uFS-SCLKSW1BATVCC_BAT321C1447uFACE701127AM+PAN3204DB-TJDMBLB512B5R0BL12BLRF - Nordic nRF24LE1C1222pF21X141GNDOUTINGND16 MHz Crystal0.1uFS-PDS-SDOC1322pF21XC1Bnd2321VCC_DCC11XC2Power TreeBattery * 2(series,2.1V~3.2V)DC/DC, 2.7VSensor, LED,RF (2.7V)R222K12U3VCC_DC323130292827262550 ohm point2423222120191817C5L3114.7nHL16.8nHL216.8nH2221.5pF2121C61.0pF21C201.8pFZ111C9C71Z2PROGR0C833nFR82112345678P0.1VDDDEC1DEC2P0.2PROGP0.3VSSP00XC1XC2P16P15VDDVSSREFnRF24LE1VDDVSSANT2ANT1VDD_PARESETP1.4P1.3EpadRESETS-SCLKBM910111213141516Z_CMB5S-MOTSWKB4BLCP_SWBRVCC_DCVDDP04P05P06P07P10P11P120.1uF220.1uF23311C10C42.2nF22CPI_SWRESETB51C1933nF2ISSP Program - NordicJ1VCC_DCPROGB4BL13579246810ISSPHEADER 5X2Figure 14. Application Circuit for 2.7V, (with Red LED) All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 21專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

E-mail: fae_service@pixart.com.tw V0.3, Aug. 2011

PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

Q 21.2 - 25.4 Suggested R1(ohm): LED Bin Grade Min. Typ. Max. Q - 10 - 8.3.2 Summary Light Source LED Bin GradeRed LED

Q VLED 2.7 R1 Min. Typ. Max. - 10 - All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 22專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

E-mail: fae_service@pixart.com.tw V0.3, Aug. 2011

PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

9. Optical Criterion

Figure 15. Radiation Characteristics

LED Viewing AngleMin. Typ. Max. 2θ1/2 z

24 30 36 Recommended using Chang-Yu LED goniophotometer V110 to measure the LED viewing angle. 9.2 Recommended Value for Optical Power z

In order to balance tracking performance of PAN3204DB-TJDM and lower power consumption of LED, PixArt recommended a value for optical power. The power MUST fit in the following table by adjusting R1 value when LED source is not recommended one. Optical power is measured from base plate rectangle hole with LED in DC mode. (Please see optical power measurement method AP note). Recommended using ADCMT power meter 8230E to measure the optical power. Parameter Optical Power Min. Typ. Max. Unit

1500 - - uW All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 23專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

E-mail: fae_service@pixart.com.tw V0.3, Aug. 2011

PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

10. Package Information

876512349.90.3903.180.1259.1 0.3581.0 0.0395.150.203Max. 0.1Max. 0.0040.460.018Max. 1212.60 +/-0.20.4962.00.0781.010.0401.00.03912344.550.1790.250.0101.420.05684.450.1757655.00.196NOTES:1. All dimensions in MM/INCH.2. All dimensions tolerance: +/- 0.10mm3. Maxmumflash: +0.2mm4. Angular tolerance: +/- 3.0degress0.800.0312.00.078 Figure 16. Package Outline Drawing 專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

PixArt Imaging Inc.

E-mail: fae_service@pixart.com.tw V0.3, Aug. 2011

PixArt Imaging Inc.

PAN3204DB-TJDM Wireless Optical Mouse Sensor

10.2 Recommended PCB Mechanical Cutouts and Spacing

2.9970.11811.050.43527.1531.0696.1720.2434.2420.1670 ref.16.950.667876526.0101.0247.5440.2970.7110.028Optical Center1.1940.0470 ref.1.1940.0474.2420.16716.1720.2432340.7110.0283.2510.1287.5440.297All Dimensions : mm / inchFigure 17. Recommended PCB Mechanical Cutouts and Spacing 11. Update History Version Update Creation, Preliminary 1st version (1) Add current consumption V0.2 (2) Add acceleration value (3) Add R1 and LED power requirement V0.3 Correct Figure 14 Note: The Part No. of the Mouse Product with Prefix \"PAN\" shall NOT be made, sold, offered to sell, imported or used in or into USA, Canada, Japan and EU. For \"PAN\license from Avago. Avago reserve right to take legal action against our customers who fails to comply the above term. PLEASE NOTE THAT PixArt will NOT defend, indemnify, or provide any assistance to our customers who fail to comply the term. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE THE TERM, PIXART WILL NOT DELIVER \"PAN\" PRODUCTS TO YOU. All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 25專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732號專利在案。

Date 01/20/201104/11/201108/05/2011 V0.1 PixArt Imaging Inc.

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