专利名称:Method and apparatus for managing
delivery destination of baggage
发明人:Kentaro Tozuka,Yuji Abumiya申请号:US10269873申请日:20021015
摘要:An object of this invention is to securely deliver a baggage of a traveler adelivery destination designated by the traveler even in a case where the traveler cancelsthe travel or changes the destination. First, identification information, information of a
contact address, boarding information, and information concerning the delivery
destination of the baggage are received from a delivery receipt terminal and registeredin a contract database. Then, information concerning boarding status of the traveler isacquired from a passenger carrier server, which manages the boarding status of thebaggage. If there is inconsistency between the acquired information concerning theboarding status and the boarding information registered in the contract database, thedelivery destination of the baggage is inquired to the traveler's contact address, and theinformation concerning the delivery destination, which is notified from the traveler inresponse to the inquiry, is registered in the contract database.
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