专利名称:Coated implants, their manufacturing and
use thereof
发明人:Klaus Hellerbrand,Michael Siedler,Andreas
Schutz,Bernd Schimkat,Karin Wiedenmann-Schlembach
摘要:The present invention relates to a method of coating of a device, preferablyimplants, with a substance comprising the steps of (a) contacting said device into asolution of said substrate or substance, and (b) drying said device while being submergedin said solution. The present invention also relates to a packaging container for a device,preferably an implant. Said packaging container being adapted such that said device iscoatable within said packaging container. Moreover, the present invention relates to amethod of coating the inner surfaces of a packaging container for a device, preferablyimplants, to be coated by a substance, comprising the steps of (a) siliconizing said innersurfaces of said container using a silicone emulsion, and (b) heat-curing to form a baked-in silicone layer on said inner surfaces of said container.
申请人:Klaus Hellerbrand,Michael Siedler,Andreas Schutz,Bernd Schimkat,KarinWiedenmann-Schlembach
地址:Geltendorf DE,Munich DE,Kreiling DE,Munich DE,Planegg DE
代理人:Norman B. Thot