专利名称:Printing system and program发明人:長堀 宗永,若林 秀樹申请号:JP2018119296申请日:20180622公开号:JP2019220112A公开日:20191226
摘要:【Task】 Provided is a printing system that does not forget to attach a printedPOP sheet (spotter or the like) to a new product or the like and does not mistakenlyattach a target product. [Solution] A printing system for printing specified productinformation on a print medium, comprising: a storage unit that stores the product
information; and a print data generation unit that generates print data based on theproduct information. The print data generating unit, when the storage unit also storesspecial information related to the product information, associates the productinformation with the special information based on the product information and thespecial information. Print data is generated in such a manner that the print data can berecognized. [Selection diagram] FIG.
代理人:宮崎 恭,鶴谷 裕二