

2023-10-01 来源:帮我找美食网


2、学生有特殊情况不能参加上述活动,须事先履行请假手续: (1)若请事假一至两节课,填写好请假单(按学院制定统一的请假单填写,请假单已发至各班学习委员处),经认可老师批准后方可离开。 (2)个别课请假,必须由任课老师签字同意,一式两份,下联存放班级学习委员处,上联存放在学生会学习部。 (3)需离开广州的请假条,必须写明去处,留下联系方式,承诺返校日期,并附有关证明。请假一天以内(含一天);经辅导员批准方可离校。请假一天以上的由辅导员签署意见后报书记审批,经书记批准后方可离开。一式两份,上联存放在院学工办A303,下联存放班级学习委员处。返校后必须到A303销假。 (4)如遇急病急事,理由正当而确实无法事先请假者,请打电话请假,必须凭有关证明办理补假手续。请假期满应及时向辅导员办理销假手续。 (5)因特殊原因需续假者,应在原假期期满前一天补办续假手续。




问题一:打卡或签到英文怎么说? Sign in。是英文中的签到意思


keep sign in last for 30 days in ......


问题二:打卡或签到英文怎么说 sign


indicate one's arrival by signing a


*Teachers go to the office and sign in each

morning before going to their classrooms.教师们每天早晨先到办公室签到,然后去教室上课。

问题三:上下班打卡用英文怎么说 打卡以记录上班时间

clock in


clock off


I clock in.


The employees all clock in before they begin work

问题四:"上班打卡"用英语怎么说 你好!


Work to clock in

问题五:英语打卡是什么意思 去你加入的团体在右上角的中间方框中打开就看到有打卡提示方框点击打卡可以获得财富值。

问题六:“考勤”用英语怎么说 考勤

动词:check on work attendance

名词:attendance checking

问题七:打卡第三天。翻译英文 clock in third day

问题八:英语软件打卡 (11) The goods are urgently needed. We ____ hope you will deliver them at once.

a. therefore

b. so

c. that

d. should



(12) We place this order ____ the understanding that the discount is 10%.

a. based on

b. with

c. on

d. through



(13) As agreed upon in our negotiations, payment ____ L/C.

a. by

b. will

c. is to be made by

d. is by


(14) We feel sorry to say that the rugs supplied ____ Order No. 456 have not yet reached us.

a. by

b. for

c. with

d. to



(15) ____ the present market trend, we have to say that our price is really the best we can quote.

a. With

b. On

c. Because

d. For



(16) We will do our best to ____ shipment to meet your requirements in time.

a. ply

b. make

c. expedite

d. arrange



(17) We have the pleasure to inform you that the shipment has gone ____ per S.S. East Wind and hope that it will arrive at the destination in ____ condition.

a. on, good

b. for, plete

c. forward, perfect

d. onto, perfect



(18) We regret our inability to ____ with your request for shipping the goods in early November.

a. pliance

b. ply

c. manage

d. arrange


(19) Any loss or damage noticed when the goods are delivered must be reported to the ____ at the time, otherwise he will be not liable for it.

a. carrier

b. shipper

c. consignee......>>

问题九:打卡上班的英文怎么说 一般有两种说法:

clock out 打卡下班 clock in 打卡上班

punch out 打卡下班 punch in 打卡上班

问题十:考勤卡/打卡记录 英语怎么说 Attendance card/clock in

求英语大人 将下列细则翻译成英文 要拿给外国人看的

If you have enrolled for the content of a no-objection, please carefully read the "Registration Form school students," the terms of the relevant information to complete and sign, all the provisions came into effect immediately after the signature.

 paid to the Treasury to pay tuition fees and receive the relevant certificate.

◆ If you select credit card payment, to receive the invoice directly.

◆ If you choose to pay cash, please collect tuition receipts, with the opening two weeks of receipt of invoice receipt to the Registrar Office.

 purchase materials to Office of Academic Affairs.

◆ the date of registration must be paid at the same time the purchase of teaching materials and teaching materials in classes to carry the day with centers.

◆ Parents please be sure to use oil-based marker to write the names of child care in order to facilitate identification to avoid loss.

 specific opening date and time from school a week before the opening ceremony of the Registrar Office in the telephone notification.

Chapter III of the performance appraisal system of student

※ In order to student learning in a happy Marian gains satisfaction, please comply with the center "the performance appraisal system of the trainees." Attendance students will be directly related to learning outcomes, the examination courses customs linked to the commitment and the quality of teaching.

※ do not be late, do not leave early.

※ If things have to leave school early to be told ahead of time classroom teachers and campus dean.

※ Due to the reasons for travel and other entertainment, or their reasons for not coming to class, are they are giving up their courses, not to make up a missed lesson.

※ In case of emergency can not leave a single one week in advance to complete, and must have at least one day in class at school campus before the leave, and leave the next补填single class. Otherwise, in order to penalize absenteeism.

※ not leave those who can not be regarded as a reason school absenteeism, truancy applications are not allowed to make up a missed lesson, and may not be extended absenteeism hours.

※ encountered special circumstances, such as student illness, hospitalization, to the field to visit relatives and so on, need to leave ahead of schele, extended hours be granted.

※ In order to ensure the effectiveness of student learning and teaching quality, 90 percent were satisfied with attendance, the center arranged the right to refuse to make up a missed lesson.

Chapter V on to classes and drop-out delayed

(A) and extension of the provisions to ban

※ provisions to ban

◇ similar courses to classes of no more than 2 times; different types of courses to classes of no more than 1.

◇ classes have moved to the higher tuition fees must pay the difference; into the lower classes have a fee to cash the difference between the non-refundable, but tuition fees can be included in other courses.

Extension of the provisions of ※

◇ students of the Center to retain the 12-month extension of the school, an extension of the application once.

※ extension to the cost of classes

◇ tuition fees of 1,000 yuan in the 50 yuan fee charged.

◇ fees charged 1,000 yuan more than 100 charges.

◇ have attended another class lesson fees to be dected.

※ courses to students after half of all the center does not accept the transfer ban, an extension of the application.

※ had to fill in classes, an extension of the application are not drop-out students.

※ this interpretation lies the center provides.

(B) drop-out provisions

※ curricular classes or four times before, any of the following conditions apply to drop-out proceres

◇ as a result of unforeseen factors have led to the trainees reported the cancellation of classes, participants receive a refund receipts accountable.

◇ Students who go abroad, I test the original passport, valid visa abroad, tickets for the original and the recent drop-out.

◇ participants because of illness or other loss of learning ability, test of the local hospitals for the diagnosis of a certificate of school.

* Student was hospitalized, the hospital must have a valid proof of the original processing proceres to ban or postponed. In principle, can only be transferred to the same class.

* If no receipts or invoices to their drop-out process, the center is non-refundable!

※ The cost of drop-out

◇ school for drop-outs before, excluding an application fee of 20 yuan, also need to dect 20% of normal fees.

◇ two classes to handle drop-out, in addition to dection of 20 application fee to be dected from the other 25% of the normal tuition fees and the corresponding class fee.

◇ school classes for four months, in addition to dection of 20 application fee to be dected from the other 30% of the normal tuition fees and the corresponding class fee.

◇ books, tapes fees and other costs of information are non-refundable fees.

※ The following circumstances shall not be drop-out proceres for

◇ If the students have held a school drop-out proved to be no.

◇兑奖invoices in conjunction with prizes to be scratch-not a refund.



《EnglishClass 101》讲师 Alisha 在 Youtube 上面列举了一些很实用的例子,一起来看看吧!

1. check email 查看电子邮件

ex. I check email throughout the day.


2. make copies 影印

ex. Can you make 4 copies of this?


3. schele a meeting 安排会议

ex. I’ll schele the meeting for 11 tomorrow.


4. take/make a call 接/打电话

ex. I need to take this call.


5. write a report 写报告

ex. I’ve got a few reports to write by the end of the day.


6. attend a meeting 参加会议

ex. Please attend the staff meeting on Friday.


7. have a conference call 电话会议

ex. We have a conference call scheled for 3 today.


8. submit a timesheet 提交时间表

ex. Please submit your timesheet by the end of the week.


9. clock in / clock out 上班打卡/下班打卡

ex. Don’t fet tu clock in and clock out every day.


10. go to lunch 去吃午餐

ex. We’re gonna go to lunch. Wanna e?


attend a meeting, attend a meeting中文, check email, check email中文, clock in, clock in中文, clock out, clock out中文, go to lunch, go to lunch中文, have a conference call, have a conference call中文, make a call, make a call中文, make copies, make copies中文, schele a meeting, schele a meeting中文, submit a timesheet, submit a timesheet中文, take a call, take a call中文, write a report, write a report中文


1.上课(Beginning a class)

(1)Let’s start now./Let’s begin our class/lesson.

(2)Stand up,please.

(3)Sit down,Pease.


(4)Hello,boys and girls/children.

(5)Good morning,class/everyone/everybody/children/boys and girls.

(6)Good afternoon,class/everyone/everybody/children/boys and girls.

(7)How are you today?

3.考勤(Checking attendance)

(8)Who’s on ty today?/Who’s helping this morning/today?

(9)Is everyone/everybody here/present?

(10)Is anyone away?/Is anybody away?

(11)Is anyone absent?/Is anybody absent?

(12)Who’s absent?/Who’s away?

(13)Where is he/she?

(14)Try to be on time./Don’t be late next time.

(15)Go back to your seat,please.

(16)What day is it today?

(17)What’s the date today?

(18)What’s the weather like today?

(19)What’s it like outside?


Good,thank you.

Good/Very good./God job./Good work./Good example.

A good answer./Nice work.

Excellent./Great!/Well done./Very good./I like the way you

That’s Interesting!

Don’t worry about It./No problem.


That’s not quite right,any other answers?/That’s close/That’s almost right.

4.布置作业(Setting homework)

For today’s homework…

Practise after class./Practise at home.

Say it out loud,before you write It down.

Copy/Print/Write each word twice.

Remember(Memorize)these words/sentences.

Learn these words/these sentences/this text by heart.

Do your homework./Do the next lesson./Do the new work.

下课(Dismissing the class)

Hand in your workbooks,please.

Time is up.

The bell is ringing.

There’s the bell.

There goes the bell.

Let’s stop here.

That’s all for today.

Class is over.

Good bye./Bye./See you next time.
